Enterprises which manage payroll information in a spreadsheet or a payroll system can import the tax card and salary/wage information so that the information can be submitted to eIndkomst online via file transfer/web upload.

However, the files must be in a special format. The format for the import file for salary/wage information appears from appendix 1, and the format for the import of tax card requests appears from appendix 2.

When the files have been created from either a spreadsheet or a payroll system and if they comply with the format, they can be imported to eIndkomstindberetning.

Importing tax card requests

In the menu line, select: Filer - Import - Importer skattekort (Files - Import - Import tax card)

Via the dialogue box, find the folder in which the file to be imported is saved.

Select the file and click ‘Åbn' (Open).

eIndkomstindberetning starts to load the file in order to validate that the file is correctly structured and does not contain ‘invalid' information.

Visning af billede: Image1

The file validation status appears from the blue bar which appears on the screen.

Visning af billede: Image1

If there are errors in the file, all the errors are presented on a list showing line number and error description.

Visning af billede: Image1

If there are no errors in the file, the program will continue loading the information after the validation.


The file loading status appears from the red bar which appears on the screen.

Visning af billede: Image1

After loading, information will be presented on the number of lines loaded.

Importing income information

In the menu line, select: Filer - Import - Importer lønindberetninger (Files - Import - Import salary/wage reports)


Via the dialogue box, find the folder in which the file to be imported is saved.

Select the file and click ‘Åbn' (Open).

eIndkomstindberetning starts to load the file in order to validate that the file is correctly structured and does not contain ‘invalid' information.

The file validation status appears from the blue bar which appears on the screen.

Visning af billede: Image1

The file validation status appears from the blue bar which appears on the screen.

Visning af billede: Image1

If there are errors in the file, all the errors are presented on a list showing line number and error description.


The file loading status appears from the red bar which appears on the screen.

After loading, information will be presented on the number of lines loaded.

Visning af billede: Image1