Here you can see when SKAT sends you an email and what our message is:

Time to report:
SKAT sends an email when the reporting period is opened in TastSelv Erhverv

Remember to report:
You receive a reminder approx. ten days before a deadline for reporting and payment.

You forgot to report:
If you have not entered your declaration via TastSelv on time, SKAT sends a reminder email immediately after the expiry of the deadline.

SKAT sends you an email when SKAT needs to send information to a large or small circle of enterprises registered for TastSelv Erhverv.

Your accountant has reported:
If you have authorised another enterprise, e.g. an accountant, to report on your behalf, SKAT sends you an email when your accountant has submitted a declaration on your behalf.

Enter your email address:
You can enter your email address when registering for TastSelv Erhverv, or you can do so at a later time under the menu item ‘Ændre tilmeldingsoplysninger' (Change registration information). Please also remember to inform us if you get a new email address, which is also done under the menu item ‘Ændre tilmeldingsoplysninger' (Change registration information).