The TastSelv PIN only works for TastSelv Erhverv. The PIN replaces your signature.

How to order the TastSelv PIN:

  • Visit SKAT's website, - select ‘Virksomhed' (Enterprise) and ‘Gå til TastSelv Erhverv' (Go to TastSelv Erhverv).
  • Click ‘Bestil eller genbestil TastSelv-kode' (Ordering or re-ordering of PIN code).
  • State your SE number.

When you have ordered the TastSelv PIN, you will receive it by ordinary mail after 2-3 days.

When you have received the TastSelv PIN, you can log in by selecting ‘Log-in med TastSelv-kode' (Log in with PIN code). Select ‘Ændre tilmeldingsoplysninger' (Change registration information) and mark the declarations which you wish to submit online.

You can also log in to TastSelv Erhverv using digital signature (employee certificate).

SKAT will also ask you to enter your email address and the name of the contact person in the enterprise who will be responsible for reporting via TastSelv Erhverv.

Subsequently, you have immediate access to reporting information.

You can change the PIN assigned to you when you log in to TastSelv Erhverv. The PIN can be changed under the menu item ‘Ændre tilmeldingsoplysninger' (Change registration information).