With this declaration, the bank or pension provider accepts to assume the same obligations towards policyholders and SKAT as banks and pension providers in Denmark.

The bank or pension provider declares that it is authorised to operate as a bank or pension provider in the bank or pension provider's home country.

The bank or pension provider accepts to send information to SKAT about the client's contributions to or disbursements from the pension plan, yields on the plan and any changes in the ownership of the plan, e.g. beneficiaries, pledging of the plan or changes which mean that the plan no longer complies with the Danish rules on taxation of pensions.

The bank or pension provider undertakes to withhold and pay Danish PAL tax on yields as well as Danish tax on disbursements from the plan or arrangements made in respect of the plan.

As a provider of pension plans to pension clients in Denmark, the bank or pension provider undertakes to obtain a declaration from the client on form 07.056 (07.056E) and send a copy to Skattecenter Maribo, Brovejen 15 A, Postboks 129, 4930 Maribo, Denmark.