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Other messagesKystvejen are experiencing problems with their phone.10-08-2024 kl. 10:49

Update kl. 10:48 - The issue with the phone has been resolved.

Customsoffice Kystvejen are experiencing problems with their phone. If you cannot get through on the normal phone number, they can instead be contacted on phone number 72382659 (the number may only be used on weekends).

10-08-2024 10:10:00
Transit, Other messagesThe closing of Transit (NCTS) is postponed28-06-2024 kl. 19:14

The closing of Transit (NCTS) is postponed.

New closing date will follow in the coming week (week 27/2024).


28-06-2024 19:14:00
DMS eksport, Other messagesDMS Servicewindow ended with unpredicted situation14-02-2024 kl. 14:35

DMS Servicewindow ended with unpredicted situation

Checks will not be performed due to missing information within the EMCS system. This results in the declaration not being marked as exported and the final exit status in DMS Export will be missing.

Economic Operators should use the e-Eksport system for now. Declarations in EMCS should be closed manually.

Update 14-02-2024:

Service window for DMS Eksport has ended with success. It is now possible to create the export declaration in DMS Eksport where it will automatically will crossreference with the export decalartion in EMCS.


13-02-2024 17:08:00
Other messagesThere are problems with our telephone system.18-01-2024 kl. 16:00

Update 18-01-2024 16:00: The phone system is working again.


It is not possible to get in touch with us by phone, so please direct all inquiries to servicedesk@toldst.dk

We are working on solving the issue.

18-01-2024 08:56:00
Other messagesService Window regarding the website toldst.dk November 603-11-2023 kl. 07:57

The website toldst.dk will not be available Sunday November 5 from 8 to 11. The customs systems is not affected by this.

01-11-2023 11:20:00
Other messagesServicedesk phones closed on 15/0602-06-2023 kl. 09:19

Due to internal activites the Servicedesk phones will be closed on Thursday 15th of June 2023.
We can still be reached on e-mail: servicedesk@toldst.dk, where urgent inquiries will be answered as quickly as possible.
The phones will be open again on Friday 16th of June 2023

02-06-2023 09:19:00
Other messagesServicedesk telephone closed on 18/0815-08-2022 kl. 15:19

Due to internal activities, Servicedesk's phone is closed on Thursday 18 August 2022.

We can be contacted by email: servicedesk@toldst.dk, where we will answer you as soon as possible. Otherwise, we will be back on the phone on Thursday 19 August 2022.

15-08-2022 15:19:00
Other messagesBlokering af stålkontingenter01-07-2022 kl. 13:38

Kommissionen har blokeret stålkontingenterne (blokeret betyder, at man kan bede om kontingenttoldbehandling, men Kommissionen har udsat tildelingen).

TOLDST har spurgt Kommissionen hvorfor. Nedenfor finder du svaret fra Kommissionen:

Faktisk forventer vi en enorm masse af anmodninger i de første dage af juli, blokerede vi kvoterne til at give medlemsstaterne tilstrækkelig tid til at indsamle dem og sende dem til Kommissionen. Faktisk havde flere medlemsstater problemer den 01.04.2022, og vi mener, at blokeringsperioden kunne hjælpe.

Samme tilgang er fulgt for perioden 01.10.2022-31.12.2022 med en spærringsperiode fra 01.10 til 07.10.2022. Ikke desto mindre udskyder "blokeringsproceduren" kun tildelingsprocessen, men ikke "først til mølle"-princippet.

Faktisk vil anmodninger baseret på erklæringer accepteret den 01.07.2022 blive behandlet først, og derefter den 02.07 og så videre.

Efter planen vil Kommissionen tildele første gang på stålkontingenterne d. 11. juli 2022 om aftenen.

01-07-2022 13:38:00
Other messagesThe Servicedesk phone closes at 13.00 Friday, April 8, 202211-04-2022 kl. 09:05

On Friday, 8. April 2022, the telephone lines to Servicedesk will be closed from 13.00. Please send an e-mail instead to servicedesk@toldst.dk.

08-04-2022 09:14:00
Other messagesTARIC - Russian rubles24-03-2022 kl. 11:26

The Danish National Bank does not calculate a conversion rate for Russian rubles for the time being. Therefore, the conversion rate in TARIC is the same for April as for March.

Update at 11.25: RUB is no longer found in taric

24-03-2022 10:05:00

Service status overview for all customs systems

ClosedDMS eksport, DMS Forsendelse (NCTS), DMS Import, Import, ManifestDMS PRD-servicewindow Saturday September 7, 202407-09-2024 kl. 16:2102-09-2024 12:34:00
Scheduled unavailabilityEU-systemsService window EU trader portal04-09-2024 kl. 14:5004-09-2024 14:50:00
ClosedTFE (testsystems)TFE-servicewindow Import/Export Tuesday September 3, 202404-09-2024 kl. 13:5303-09-2024 07:23:00
InformationImportExtended response times on Import end of the month29-08-2024 kl. 16:4429-08-2024 16:44:00
ClosedDMS eksportDelays in status changes31-08-2024 kl. 17:2131-08-2024 13:39:00

See the full overview