Last updated
31 okt 2023 13:24

Providers and companies will be calling EMCS B2B gateway using MitID Erhverv from November 1st 2023

Update: NemID (OCES2) has been closed at 12.00 today 31/10. From now on you can only use MitID (OCES3).

The change from NemID Erhverv-certificates (OCES2) to MitID Erhverv-certificates (OCES3) entails making changes in your integration to the EMCS B2B-solution.

To continuously use the EMCS B2B gateway from November 1st 2023 you must no later than October 31st have implemented and registered your OCES3-certificate.

You may use the test-client on github for testing the EMCS B2B gateway with MitID Erhverv-certificates (OCES3) and NemID certificates (OCES2).


Due to restructuring of the EMCS test environment, errors will occur during the testing of OCES3-certificates when sending in documents, for example creation of shipment. By calling SamlingHent-services it can be tested whether or not your application supports OCES3, but other requests will fail. The test client is already configured with the test-certificate, which can be retrieved here:

If you choose to use the test client, app.conf must contain the configuration besides end points:

dinovinoimport_system_integrationstest_s1.P12_PASSPHRASE = Please contact Toldstyrelsens Servicedesk on 70 15 73 01 in order to receive the Passphrase

Please be aware of the following:

  • Java versions older than Java 8u261 DO NOT support OCES3-certificates. The support of OCES3-certificates will be accomplished by upgrading to the latest Java 8 build/release or newer versions of Java
  • Clients, that apply the framework WSE3.0 to .NET DOES NOT support OCES3-certificates. If you use WSE3.0 you can upgrade your client to .NET Core. WCF does support OCES3-certificates

Read more on the transition from NemID to MitID

Starting June 30th 2023, Digitaliseringsstyrelsen began replacing NemID medarbejdersignatur with MitID Erhverv. There has been limited support of NemID after July 1st 2023.

Read more about MitID Erhverv on Digitaliseringsstyrelsens website.

The transition to MitID Erhverv entails changes in how companies administer employees’ user rights on the company’s TastSelv Erhverv on

Read more on access to TastSelv Erhverv, when NemID change to MitID Erhverv

Published: 26-10-2023 10:17:17

Providers and companies will be calling EMCS B2B gateway using MitID Erhverv from November 1st 2023

The change from NemID Erhverv-certificates (OCES2) to MitID Erhverv-certificates (OCES3) entails making changes in your integration to the EMCS B2B-solution.

To continuously use the EMCS B2B gateway from November 1st 2023 you must no later than October 31st have implemented and registered your OCES3-certificate.

You may use the test-client on github for testing the EMCS B2B gateway with MitID Erhverv-certificates (OCES3) and NemID certificates (OCES2).


Due to restructuring of the EMCS test environment, errors will occur during the testing of OCES3-certificates when sending in documents, for example creation of shipment. By calling SamlingHent-services it can be tested whether or not your application supports OCES3, but other requests will fail. The test client is already configured with the test-certificate, which can be retrieved here:

If you choose to use the test client, app.conf must contain the configuration besides end points:

dinovinoimport_system_integrationstest_s1.P12_PASSPHRASE = Please contact Toldstyrelsens Servicedesk on 70 15 73 01 in order to receive the Passphrase

Please be aware of the following:

  • Java versions older than Java 8u261 DO NOT support OCES3-certificates. The support of OCES3-certificates will be accomplished by upgrading to the latest Java 8 build/release or newer versions of Java
  • Clients, that apply the framework WSE3.0 to .NET DOES NOT support OCES3-certificates. If you use WSE3.0 you can upgrade your client to .NET Core. WCF does support OCES3-certificates

Read more on the transition from NemID to MitID

Starting June 30th 2023, Digitaliseringsstyrelsen began replacing NemID medarbejdersignatur with MitID Erhverv. There has been limited support of NemID after July 1st 2023.

Read more about MitID Erhverv on Digitaliseringsstyrelsens website.

The transition to MitID Erhverv entails changes in how companies administer employees’ user rights on the company’s TastSelv Erhverv on

Read more on access to TastSelv Erhverv, when NemID change to MitID Erhverv