On this page you can see current service disruptions

ClosedTFE (testsystems)TFE-servicewindow Import/Export Tuesday September 3, 202404-09-2024 kl. 13:53

TFE-servicewindow Tuesday September 3, 2024, 1200-1300



File access will be unavailable during the service window.

Online access will be unavailable during the service window.


After the Service Window the Online Client for Import/Export on TFE will be updated automatically.

Companies using systems such as Citrix can download the updates in advance for both TFE (TEST) and PRD (Production) environments.

See above contact information if you use Citrix.


03-09-2024 07:23:00
ClosedTFE (testsystems)Operational disturbances on file transfer DMS TFE04-07-2024 kl. 08:03

There are currently problems with file transfer for DMS import, DMS export and DMS shipping TFE.

We troubleshoot.

The online part is not affected.


03-07-2024 12:04:00
ClosedTFE (testsystems)Issues with DMS TFE systems01-07-2024 kl. 13:13

Declarations is failing shortly after submission on DMS TFE environment. The cause has been identified and a solution is being worked on as soon as possible.


Update at 13:10- issue resolved. -The entries affected by this problem must be resubmitted.

28-06-2024 14:24:00
ClosedDMS eksport, DMS Forsendelse (NCTS), DMS Import, Export, EMCS, ICS, Import, Manifest, TFE (testsystems), TransitOperational issues on customs systems23-05-2024 kl. 11:33

There has been internal operational issues last night.

We are aware of the issue and it is being investigated.

Its currently only affecting file transfer.

Fall back procedure is allowed where necessary. Do note that Online is not affected.

23-05-2024 08:32:00
ClosedTFE (testsystems)DMS TFE (test) Eksport B and C declarations blocked15-05-2024 kl. 11:52

Due to errors in xsd's B and C export declarations are blocked.

The issue is under investigation.


10-05-2024 11:24:00
ClosedDMS eksport, DMS Forsendelse (NCTS), DMS Import, EMCS, EU-systems, Manifest, E-tax for businesses (NTSE), TFE (testsystems), TransitInstability on NemLog-in - impacts log-in on DMS09-04-2024 kl. 15:59

Log-in with NemLog-in is at the moment unavailable. The issue affects everyone trying to log-in with NemLog-in.

This impacts log-in on DMS TFE and PROD, TastSelv Erhverv and services with similar log-in method.

09-04-2024 10:31:00
ClosedTFE (testsystems)problems in AS4 TFE16-02-2024 kl. 16:15

We are currently experiencing that companies get errors in AS4 on TFE when they try to pull their queues.

The error they experience is "HTTP 500 – Internal Server Error - Socket read timed out".

Debugging is on going


16-02-2024 13:46:00
ClosedTFE (testsystems)Extended response times for notifications on DMS TFE.23-01-2024 kl. 14:56

We are currently experiencing extended response times for notifications on DMS TFE system-to-system.

If you experience errors when downloading notifications, try extending the timers.

Technicians are working on a solution.

Update 23/01-2024 at 14.51 : response time have been improved.

Update 04/01-2024 at 11:37: Status unchanged. Investigation ongoing. 

Update 19/10-2023 at 16.40: Status unchanged. Investigation ongoing. 

Update 10/10-2023 at 10.43: Status unchanged. Investigation ongoing.

Update 03/10-2023 at 09: Status unchanged. Investigation ongoing.

Update 22/09-2023 at 09: Status unchanged. Investigation ongoing.

Update 19/09-2023 at 11.28: Status unchanged. Investigation ongoing.


14-09-2023 09:06:00
ClosedDMS eksport, DMS Import, Manifest, TFE (testsystems)Filoverførsel ftps/as416-11-2023 kl. 18:49

Update 18:46: The problem has been solved.

The problem has been solved.

The use of fallback procedure is no longer allowed. Any ongoing fallback procedures can be completed.

Update 15:00: It is estimated that solution will be found in about 2 hours.

Usage of fallback procedures is allowed.


16-11-2023 14:51:00
ClosedTFE (testsystems)Declarations for EFTA-countries are being rejected07-07-2023 kl. 11:40

Update: It is now possible to create decalartions destinated to EFTA-countries in DMS Eksport TFE.

Test declarations in DMS Eksport TFE for EFTA-countries (I.e. CH and NO) as destination countries will be rejected.

A solution for this issue is in progress.

23-06-2023 10:41:00
ClosedTFE (testsystems)Issues with DMS TFE06-07-2023 kl. 14:43

Issues with DMS TFE Online and S2S

Declarations are stuck in status submitted.

Update July 6 at 14.40 - The servic window has ended and TFE is back up again.

Update at 10:05 - The service window that started on July 5 is still ongoing due to some issues.


06-07-2023 09:59:00
ClosedTFE (testsystems)Issues with DMS TFE Online28-06-2023 kl. 08:57

You may experience difficulties using DMS Online (Test environment).

Declarations are rejected with errors in the submitter id.

Opdateret 28-06-2023 08:55: The issue has been solved.

Update 27-06-2023 10:52: The task is still active

Update 15:30: The task is still active.


26-06-2023 10:40:00
ClosedTFE (testsystems)Issues with DMS TFE23-06-2023 kl. 17:29

You may experience difficulties using DMS Online (Test environment).

Declarations can not be created. Dropdown menus do not work.

Update at 17.29: The error is fixed.

Update 10:07: There are still issues creating declarations on DMS TFE online. Timescale unknown.


22-06-2023 11:37:00
ClosedTFE (testsystems)Issues with DMS TFE12-06-2023 kl. 13:17

You may experience difficulties using DMS (Test environment).

Declarations and additional messages may be sent in, but they may not be processed.

The matter is being investigated.


Update at 13.16: resolved

12-06-2023 10:04:00
ClosedTFE (testsystems)Issues with signing in to DMS online TFE.05-06-2023 kl. 14:03

There are currently issues with signing in to DMS online TFE. We are investigating.

Update at 12:00 PM: Logging in is now available, but instability is still being experienced.

Update 05-06-2023 at 14:00 PM: resolved

02-06-2023 08:57:00
ClosedTFE (testsystems), Other messagesTFE (testsystem) online DMS Eksport.14-04-2023 kl. 12:34

Update 14 APRIL:

The test environment for DMS Online (Export and Transit/NCTS) has been updated. The system is continuously being updated and limited functionality may occur.

If you previously have been attempting to log on the system and have experienced issues regarding not being able to resume from the main menu, we recommend that you try to log on again and create a declaration.

Please note that it is a requirement that the company have applied for access and have gotten access from The Danish Customs Agency/Netcompany and that the companys NemID-administrator have assigned roles and rights to the users of the system.

If you are still not able to use the system, you can:

  1. Contact the companys NemID-administrator and make sure that you have been assigned the proper rights.
  2. Contact the Customs Servicedesk:
10-03-2023 07:52:00
ClosedTFE (testsystems), Other messagesDMS TFE - Export and Transit03-03-2023 kl. 10:06

There are issues connecting to DMS TFE Export and DMS TFE Transit test systems, under investigation.

Update 3-3-2023 10:05: The connection to DMS TFE i working again.

02-03-2023 16:40:00
ClosedDMS Import, Export, EMCS, EORI, EU-systems, ICS, ICS2, Import, Manifest, E-tax for businesses (NTSE), TFE (testsystems), Transit, Other messagesIT issues for all Skat systems20-01-2023 kl. 13:51

Since 10:45 all systems at Skat has been more or less unavailable. Filetransfer has recently begun working again.

Use of fallback procedure is allowed until further notice.

Update at 13:48 - all systems are back up and running. Use of fallback procedure has passed.

20-01-2023 13:29:00
ClosedTFE (testsystems)No access to TEST/TFE-environment16-11-2022 kl. 16:10

There is no access to TEST/TFE-environment for now - the issue is under investigation.


16-11-2022 13:00:00
ClosedExport, EMCS, EORI, ICS, ICS2, Import, Manifest, E-tax for businesses (NTSE), TFE (testsystems), Toldportalen (DMS import), TransitIT disturbances in all of SKAT19-09-2022 kl. 13:54

We are experiencing IT disturbances in all of SKAT whic affects telephone calls, system access internally, and file transfer.

The matter is being investigated.

Fallback procedure is allowed.

19-09-2022 11:03:00