On this page you can see current service disruptions

ClosedDMS eksport, EMCSDMS exports with AAD (EMCS) gets stuck in status submitted.01-07-2024 kl. 09:32

There are problems with export declarations where Administrative Accompanying Document AAD (EMCS) is entered in data field 12 01 stops in status submitted.

We are investigating the issue.


27-06-2024 17:23:00
ClosedDMS eksport, DMS Forsendelse (NCTS), DMS Import, EMCS, EU-systems, ICS2, Manifest, E-tax for businesses (NTSE)Problems with nem-login29-05-2024 kl. 12:48

E-tax for businesses (NTSE) Customs portal (DMS import) DMS export DMS Transit (NCTS)

29-05-2024 09:30:00
ClosedDMS eksport, DMS Forsendelse (NCTS), DMS Import, Export, EMCS, ICS, Import, Manifest, TFE (testsystems), TransitOperational issues on customs systems23-05-2024 kl. 11:33

There has been internal operational issues last night.

We are aware of the issue and it is being investigated.

Its currently only affecting file transfer.

Fall back procedure is allowed where necessary. Do note that Online is not affected.

23-05-2024 08:32:00
ClosedDMS eksport, DMS Forsendelse (NCTS), DMS Import, EMCS, EU-systems, Manifest, E-tax for businesses (NTSE), TFE (testsystems), TransitInstability on NemLog-in - impacts log-in on DMS09-04-2024 kl. 15:59

Log-in with NemLog-in is at the moment unavailable. The issue affects everyone trying to log-in with NemLog-in.

This impacts log-in on DMS TFE and PROD, TastSelv Erhverv and services with similar log-in method.

09-04-2024 10:31:00
ClosedEMCSWe are getting reports on issues in EMCS18-12-2023 kl. 10:41

The case is under investigation.

Update 10:40: The problem has been solved. The use of fallback procedure is no longer allowed.

Update 10:03: Issues with the EMCS online system. EMCS B2B is not affected.

Update 09:51: Fallback procedure is allowed where necessary.


18-12-2023 09:34:00
ClosedEMCSEMCS availability issues13-12-2023 kl. 09:49

EMCS availability issues may currently be experienced.

Debugging is underway.

Those who experience problems can use the Emergency Procedure to the extent necessary.


13-12-2023 07:47:00
ClosedDMS eksport, DMS Import, EMCS, EU-systems, ICS, ICS2, Manifest, E-tax for businesses (NTSE), Other messagesAccess with digital signature - NemLog-In05-12-2023 kl. 13:26

NemLog-in is currently experiencing issues.

Update 05-12-2023 11:45: Use of fallback procedures is allowed


05-12-2023 11:37:00
ClosedDMS eksport, DMS Forsendelse (NCTS), DMS Import, EMCS, EU-systems, ICS, ICS2, Manifest, E-tax for businesses (NTSE), Other messagesInstability of processing login on NemLog-in (MitID)27-11-2023 kl. 11:29

NemLog-in is currently experiencing issues.

Update 11:18: The issue has been reported as resolved.

27-11-2023 10:53:00
ClosedDMS eksport, EMCS, EU-systems, ICS, ICS2, Manifest, E-tax for businesses (NTSE)MitID unavailble10-11-2023 kl. 17:45

MitID is unavailable, please also check status on https://digitaliser.dk/driftstatus


Update 17:44 - MitID is available again.

10-11-2023 16:06:00
ClosedEMCSWe are getting reports on issues in EMCS01-11-2023 kl. 10:53

Update: The issue has been resolved 10:08

The case is under investigation.


01-11-2023 09:38:00
ClosedEMCSEMCS - problems with making a receipt25-07-2023 kl. 10:02

Opdateret 25.07.2023 - The problem is solved.

At the moment there er problems with making a receipt in EMCS.

The matter is being looked into.

Update at 09.35 - New declarations also fails - Fallback procedure is now allowed.

25-07-2023 08:51:00
ClosedEMCSEMCS - an error has occured25-07-2023 kl. 10:00

Update 25.07.2023 09:52 - the problem is solved and the emergency procedure is stopped.

In EMCS an error occurs when trying to make declaration or a receipt.

Fallback procedure is allowed.


25-07-2023 09:36:00
ClosedDMS Import, EMCS, EU-systems, ICS, Manifest, E-tax for businesses (NTSE)Access with digital signature - NemLog-In03-07-2023 kl. 10:08

Digitaliseringsstyrelsen informs us that the log-in component (digital signature) is failing.

This may affect various systems. Fallback procedure is allowed untill further notice.


30-06-2023 14:45:00
ClosedEMCSEMCS - an error has occured27-06-2023 kl. 10:02

Companies are experiencing technical errors when submitting declarations to EMCS.

the matter is being investigated.

Update at 09.23 - Fallback procedure is allowed.

Update at 10.00 - The problem has been solved. The use of fallback procedure is no longer allowed.


27-06-2023 09:19:00
ClosedDMS Import, EMCS, EU-systems, ICS, Manifest, E-tax for businesses (NTSE)Access with digital signature, NemLog-in MitID26-06-2023 kl. 12:17

Digitaliseringsstyrelsen informs us that the log-in component (digital signature) is failing.

This may affect various systems. Fallback procedure is allowed untill further notice.


26-06-2023 11:46:00
ClosedEMCSEMCS - an error has occured26-06-2023 kl. 09:02

Clients are getting the message "An error has occured" when trying to make a declaration or make a receipt.

The system vendor has been contacted. At the present we cannot give an estimate for when the error will be fixed.

Fallback procedure is allowed until further notice.


Update 26.06.2023 at 09.00: The problem has been solved. The use of fallback procedure is no longer allowed.

25-06-2023 11:27:00
ClosedDMS eksport, DMS Forsendelse (NCTS), DMS Import, EMCS, Manifest, E-tax for businesses (NTSE)Issues with TastSelv Erhverv22-06-2023 kl. 10:06

We are currently experiencing issues with TastSelv Erhverv.

The problem is being investigated.

22-06-2023 09:19:00
ClosedEMCS, ICS, Manifest, E-tax for businesses (NTSE)Access with digital signature - NemLog-In20-06-2023 kl. 12:19

Access with digital signature (NemLog-In) is unstable. Login to i.e. EMCS, ICS and Manifest may be difficult or impossible.

The use of fallback procedure is allowed if necessary.


20-06-2023 11:26:00
ClosedDMS Import, EMCS, ICS, Manifest, E-tax for businesses (NTSE)Access with digital signature - NemLog-In20-06-2023 kl. 09:55

Access with digital signature (NemLog-In) is unstable. Login to i.e. EMCS, ICS and Manifest may be difficult or impossible.

The use of fallback procedure is allowed if necessary.

Update 20-06-2023 09:52: NemLog-In has been stable since yesterday 15:00


19-06-2023 10:44:00
ClosedDMS Import, EMCS, EU-systems, ICS, Manifest, E-tax for businesses (NTSE)Access with digital signature - NemLog-In15-06-2023 kl. 13:35

Digitaliseringsstyrelsen informs us that the log-in component (digital signature) is failing.

This may affect various systems. Fallback procedure is allowed untill further notice.


15-06-2023 10:59:00
ClosedDMS Import, EMCS, EU-systems, ICS, Manifest, E-tax for businesses (NTSE)Issues with Nem-Login09-06-2023 kl. 09:19

There are currently issues with the login to TastSelv Erhvev.

08-06-2023 08:52:00
ClosedDMS Import, EMCS, ICS, Manifest, E-tax for businesses (NTSE)Issues with TastSelv Erhverv06-06-2023 kl. 12:07

We are currently experiencing issues with TastSelv Erhverv.

The problem is being investigated.


06-06-2023 11:26:00
ClosedEMCS, ICS, ManifestAccess til certain systems failed - June 1, 202301-06-2023 kl. 13:15

For the last couple of hours an error regarding certificates has been influencing the access to Manifest, ICS and the B2B-solution for EMCS.

The error has now been corrected.


01-06-2023 13:15:00
ClosedDMS Import, EMCS, EU-systems, ICS, Manifest, E-tax for businesses (NTSE)Issues with Nem-Login (NemID+MitID)22-05-2023 kl. 17:32

There are currently issues with the Nem-Login service.

https://digitaliser.dk/nemlog-in/nyt-fra-nemlog-in/2023/maj/driftsforstyrrelser-nemlog-in-22-05-2023-1350 (no english translation available)

The use of fallback procedure is allowed.

Update 22-05-2023 17:18 NemLog-Id status updated to be normal again.

The use of fallback procdure is no longer allowed.

22-05-2023 14:06:00
ClosedDMS Import, EMCS, EU-systems, ICS, Manifest, E-tax for businesses (NTSE)Problems with logins online (digital signature)21-03-2023 kl. 10:35

At the moment the NemLog-In service is unstable and this may result in failure to login to online services which require a digital signature.

Update at 15.03: Still no news about this incident. Fallback procedure is therefore allowed.

20-03-2023 11:14:00
ClosedEMCSUnavailability for systems using digital signature10-03-2023 kl. 12:41

There are some difficulties in accessing EMCS - both online and via B2Bi.

The problem is being looked into.

Fallback procedure is allowed if necessary.

Update at 12.38: The error has been resolved. Fallback procedure ends.


10-03-2023 09:45:00
ClosedDMS Import, EMCS, EU-systems, ICS, Manifest, E-tax for businesses (NTSE)Problems with Nem-Login (NemID)06-03-2023 kl. 17:22

There are currently issues with the Nem-Login service.

https://www.digitaliser.dk/services/4167488 (no english translation available)

The use of fallback procedure is allowed.

Update 06-03-2023 17:18 NemLog-Id status updated to be normal again.

06-03-2023 15:59:00
ClosedEMCSOperational disturbances for EMCS13-02-2023 kl. 16:10

There are currently operational disturbances for EMCS

The problem is being investigated

Fallback procedure is allowed where necessary.


Update 16.08: The problem has been solved. The use of fallback procedure is no longer allowed.

Update 15.30: The problem can possibly be resolved by clearing the browsers cookies and cache

13-02-2023 14:44:00
ClosedDMS Import, Export, EMCS, EORI, EU-systems, ICS, ICS2, Import, Manifest, E-tax for businesses (NTSE), TFE (testsystems), Transit, Other messagesIT issues for all Skat systems20-01-2023 kl. 13:51

Since 10:45 all systems at Skat has been more or less unavailable. Filetransfer has recently begun working again.

Use of fallback procedure is allowed until further notice.

Update at 13:48 - all systems are back up and running. Use of fallback procedure has passed.

20-01-2023 13:29:00
InformationEMCSUnavailability EMCS B2B-integration13-12-2022 kl. 17:53

Update 17:20

Skats certificate for the EMCS B2B Web Services production environment must be replaced now.

This means that clients calling services on B2B GW must install a new GlobalSign certificate to be able to call without error.

Note: This is the SSL certificate for encrypting the connection to SKAT. Endpoints to EMCS B2B services remain unchanged. The VOCESII certificate used to encrypt the message sent does not change.

Information about the new certificate:

Emne/Topic: b2b.skat.dk

Certificate fingerprints:

MD5:  2B:7F:56:94:AD:E0:91:E2:60:08:0E:BC:E0:99:37:08

SHA1: 4F:1B:C0:29:0C:C9:06:4F:AB:6A:D9:F8:7A:02:D8:4A:EA:5C:AE:14

SHA256: 5D:2B:C6:41:05:2F:EB:4F:98:A3:E6:53:FF:18:F5:67:48:E6:71:9D:47:8F:70:76:D7:9E:C6:33:B4:76:E5:01

Link to certificate: https://github.com/skat/emcs-b2b-ws/blob/master/crt/b2b-skat-dk-2022-12-01.pem

The B2B for EMCS is currently unavailable. The EMCS application is still available.


Fall back procedure is not permitted.


13-12-2022 16:22:00
ClosedEMCSUnavailable06-10-2022 kl. 09:09

Update: The problem has been solved and EMCS is once again available.

EMCS is currenly unavailable and a solution is being worked on.

06-10-2022 08:51:00
ClosedEMCSProblems with submitting declarations in EMCS.03-10-2022 kl. 11:50

Update at 11.48: EMCS is working properly again. Fallback procedure has ended.

There are currently problems with submitting declarations in EMCS. This applies to both users of the on-line system and file transfer B2B. The problem is beeing investigated.

Fallback procedure is permitted if neccecary.

03-10-2022 09:02:00
ClosedExport, EMCS, EORI, ICS, ICS2, Import, Manifest, E-tax for businesses (NTSE), TFE (testsystems), Toldportalen (DMS import), TransitIT disturbances in all of SKAT19-09-2022 kl. 13:54

We are experiencing IT disturbances in all of SKAT whic affects telephone calls, system access internally, and file transfer.

The matter is being investigated.

Fallback procedure is allowed.

19-09-2022 11:03:00
ClosedEMCS, ICS, Manifest, E-tax for businesses (NTSE), Customs portal (DMS import)Problems accessing TastSelv Erhverv20-08-2022 kl. 12:54

We are currently experiencing issues accessing TastSelv Erhverv

The problem is being investigated. INC000001281245

Update 20-08-2022 12:49: The systems are up and running and can be accessed as usual. Fallback procedure is no longer allowed. Fallback procedures that are currently underway can be completed.

Update 20-08-2022 12:36: The systems seems to be up and running again. We will continue to monitor the situation.

20-08-2022 12:20:00
ClosedEMCS, E-tax for businesses (NTSE)TastSelv Erhverv errors07-07-2022 kl. 09:55

Some are experiencing issues with EMCS and TastSelv Erhverv (NTSE)

Fallback procedures are allowed.


06-07-2022 17:13:00
ClosedEMCSThe EMCS services (file transfer) are unstabl27-06-2022 kl. 09:03

The EMCS services (file transfer) are unstable. Please retry frequently.
Fallback procedure is allowed.

Update 27/06-2022 09:00: The system is now up and running again.

Update 26/06-2022 10.00:  Status has not changed. Next update will be tomorrow.

Update 25/06-2022 10.00:  Status has not changed. Next update will be tomorrow.

Update 25/06-2022 10.00:  Status has not changed.

Update 24/06-2022 20.00:  Status has not changed.

Update 24/06-2022 16.00:  Status has not changed.

Update 23/06-2022 09.05:  Status has not changed.

22-06-2022 10:41:00
ClosedEMCS, ICS, E-tax for businesses (NTSE), Customs portal (DMS import)Nemlog-In key card malfunctions23-06-2022 kl. 08:18

Updated: The error on NemLog-in is now resolved. Fallback procedure is no longer allowed

The Nemlog-In key card is malfunctioning at the moment, which affects access to several online programmes.

22-06-2022 09:05:00
ClosedEMCS, EU-systems, ICS, Manifest, E-tax for businesses (NTSE), Customs portal (DMS import)Current service disruption - Nemlog-In key card malfunctions22-06-2022 kl. 18:18

Updated at 18:14: The error on NemLog-in is now resolved. Fallback procedure is no longer allowed.

Updated at 09:50: All users with digital signature are affected. Fallback procedure is allowed.

The Nemlog-In key card is malfunctioning at the moment, which affects access to several online programmes.

22-06-2022 09:34:00
ClosedEMCS, EU-systems, ICS, Manifest, Customs portal (DMS import)Error using NemLog-In for systems (online)07-06-2022 kl. 16:18

The log in functionality in systems using digital signature fails. The matter is being looked into.

The use of fallback procedure is allowed.

Update at 16.15: Digital signature is now stable. The use of fallback procedure has ended.
07-06-2022 13:11:00
ClosedEMCSEMCS unavailable22-05-2022 kl. 11:15

Update 11:16:

Logins to the EMCS are working again. Emergency fallback procedure is no longer permitted. Any emergency fallback procedures still underway can be completed as normal.

There are currently problems with logging in to EMCS. The problem is being investigated.

Emergency fallback procedure can be used where neccessary.


22-05-2022 11:01:00
ClosedEMCSLong response times on the online system04-03-2022 kl. 11:41

There is currently long response times on the EMCS online system.

Troubleshooting is in progress.


Update 11.40: The problem seems to have been solved. The use of fallback procedure is no longer allowed.

04-03-2022 09:40:00