Give and grant access to E-income

  1. Log on to E-tax for businesses (TastSelv Erhverv)
  2. Select Ansatte (Employees)
  3. Select eIndkomst/CPS (E-income/CPS) in the left-hand menu
  4. A new window opens. If not, you need to allow pop ups in your browser.
  5. Select Ændre tilmeldingsoplysninger (Change sing-up information)
  6. Check the field Indberetning til og forespørgsel på eIndkomst/LetLøn (Reporting to and question to E-income/E-payroll
  7. Click Godkend (Accept)
  8. Log of E-tax for businesses

You now have access to report in E-income.

First, you need access to report in E-income. See how you gain such access under Gain access to report in E-income

  1. Log on to E-tax for business (TastSelv Erhverv)
  2. Select Ansatte (Employees)
  3. Select eIndkomst/CPS (E-income/CPS) in the left-hand menu
  4. A new window opens. If not, you need to allow pop ups in your browser.
  5. Select Autorisere medarbejdere til TastSelv-applikationer (Authorise employees to use E-tax applications)
  6. Select Opret (Create)
  7. Enter your name in the field Administrator (Administrator). Your RID code, meaning the certificate for your MitID, is automatically entered.
  8. check the field eIndkomst (E-income)
  9. Click Godkend (Accept)
  10. Log of E-tax for business

You (the MitID administrator) have now access to report on behalf of the business.

  1. MitID administrator logs on to E-tax for businesses (TastSelv Erhverv)
  2. Select Ansatte (Employees)
  3. Select eIndkomst/CPS (E-income/CPS) in the left-hand menu
  4. A new window opens. If not, you need to allow pop ups in your browser.
  5. Select Autorisere medarbejdere til TastSelv-applikationer (Authorise employees to use E-tax applications)
  6. Select Opret (Create)
  7. Enter the name of the employee and the RID code, meaning the certificate number of the employee's MitID.
  8. Check the field eIndkomst (E-income)
  9. Click Godkend (Accept)
  10. Log of E-tax for business

You (the MitID administrator) have now given an employee access to report on behalf of the business.

Please note that you can only give your accountant access to E-income when you have followed the guide Gain access to report in E-income.

  1. The business MitID administrator logs on to E-tax for businesses
  2. Select Ansatte (Employees)
  3. Select eIndkomst/CPS (E-income/CPS) in the left-hand menu
  4. A new window opens. If not, you need to allow pop ups in your browser.
  5. Select Autorisere revisor m.fl. til indberetning (authorise accountant and others for reporting). (If this step is missing you select Ændre tilmeldingsoplysninger (Change sign-up information) and then check the field Autorisere revisor m.fl. til indberetning).
  6. Enter the VAT no. of the accountant in the field Indberetning til/forespørgsel på eIndkomst/LetLøn (Reporting to/question to E-income/E-Payroll).
  7. Click Godkend (Accept)
  8. Log of E-tax for business

You (the MitID administrator) have now given your accountant access to the busineess VAT no. in E-income.