Dato for udgivelse
24 Jun 2013 08:35
Virksomheder beskæftiget med flyfragt
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Dette nyhedsbrev beskriver hvem der skal gøre hvad i forbindelse med flyfragt til og fra Danmark. Nyhedsbrevet er i en engelsk version til brug for udenlandske luftfartsselskaber. Der henvises til nyhedsbrev af 17. marts 2013 vedrørende samme emne.

The ICS and Manifest System


Does your airline fulfil the rules?

Are you an airline (or employed by an airline), carrying cargo to a Danish airport directly from a non EU-country? Then you should be aware that SKAT has introduced the Import Control System (ICS) which went live 2011.

Since 1 January 2011 security data have had to be submitted in a pre-arrival declaration (ENS) to the ICS before the arrival of the goods in the EU.

Pre-arrival declarations must be submitted at the first point of entry into the EU for all cargo including cargo remaining on board.

Who is required to submit the information?

The operator of the airplane is responsible for submitting pre-arrival declarations (ENS) to the ICS.

Consequences if the declarations are not made

If SKAT does not receive the required pre-arrival declarations, depending on the circumstances it will not be possible to neither unload the cargo nor depart with the cargo remaining on board.

Why do you have to submit the declaration?

The declaration is one of the necessary elements to make sure that Denmark complies with the safety and security regulations of EU.

More information

Please refer to www.skat.dk/tolderhverv?ics for details and further information.


The Manifest System

Does your airline fulfil the rules?

Are you pilot in command on an airplane, carrying cargo to or from a Danish airport? Then you should be aware that SKAT has introduced a new Manifest System which went live 2012.

Under certain circumstances, airplanes must submit information about their arrivals, their departures and their cargo to the new Manifest System.

Declaration of arrival must be submitted for planes:

- Arriving directly from a non EU-country if the plane carries cargo. The declaration must be submitted even if the cargo is not going to be unloaded at the airport.

-  Arriving from another EU-airport if the plane is going to unload undeclared (non EU) cargo.

Declarations of departure have to be submitted for planes that carry undeclared goods (non EU-goods) or goods that are to be exported from the EU, as cargo.

Who is required to submit the information?

The pilot in command is responsible for submitting declarations of arrival and departure to the Manifest System.

However the declarations will normally be submitted by the airline, or its representative, e.g. handling agent on behalf of the PIC.

Consequences if the declarations are not made

If SKAT does not receive the required arrival declarations, depending on the circumstances it will not be possible to unload the cargo or the unloaded cargo will not be released by customs.

If SKAT does not receive the required departure declarations, the plane will not be permitted to depart.

Why do you have to submit the declaration?

The declaration is one of the necessary elements to make sure that Denmark complies with the safety and security regulations of EU. Furthermore it is going to ensure that all non EU cargo is declared.

More information

Please refer to www.skat.dk/tolderhverv?manifest for details and further information.