The program does not automatically transfer the reports to eIndkomst. Information must first be exported to a file, which is then uploaded via TastSelv Erhverv (Self-Key Business) - eIndkomst.

Creating export file with employment information and tax card requests

In the menu line, select: Filer - Eksport - Dan eksportfil (Files - Export - Create export file)

In the dialogue box, first select the folder in which the export file is to be saved. The folder may, for example, be the existing folder for export files.

After selecting a folder, the export file must be named - this could, for example, be tax card followed by month and year.

After entering the file name, click ‘Gem' (Save).

Visning af billede: Image1

After clicking ‘Gem' (Save), you need to select the tax cards to be exported.

The dialogue box offers three options:

  • Eksporter skattekort der ikke tidligere er eksporteret (Export tax cards not previously exported)
    • This function exports all new tax card requests which have not previously been exported as well as tax card requests which have been corrected since the last export.
  • Eksporter ALLE skattekort (Export ALL tax cards)
    • Here all tax card requests in the system are exported; also if they have been exported previously.
  • Eksporter skattekort, der er eksporteret på dato (Export tax cards exported on specific date)
    • Here you can export all tax card requests which have previously been exported on a specific date.
    • This may be relevant if a file has been damaged prior to submission or if a previously exported file cannot be found.

      The standard setting - Eksporter skattekort der ikke tidligere er eksporteret (Export tax cards not previously exported) - should be used in connection with the day-to-day use of the program.

      Click ‘OK'. eIndkomstindberetning then creates the file with the tax card requests to be uploaded to eIndkomst. When the file has been created, a dialogue box will present information on the number of lines created in the file.

      Note! The number of lines is not directly linked with the number of persons for which information is being reported.


Visning af billede: Image1

Creating export file with income information

In the menu line, select: Filer - Eksport - Eksportør lønindberetninger (Files - Export - Export salary/wage reports)

In the dialogue box, first select the folder in which the export file is to be saved. The folder may, for example, be the existing folder for export files.

After selecting a folder, the export file must be named - this could, for example, be month followed by year.

After entering the file name, click ‘Gem' (Save).

Visning af billede: Image1

After clicking ‘Gem' (Save), you need to select the reports to be exported.

The dialogue box offers three options:

  • Eksporter indberetninger der ikke tidligere er eksporteret (Export reports not previously exported)
    • This function exports all new reports which have not previously been exported as well as reports which have been corrected since the last export.
  • Eksporter ALLE Indberetninger (Export ALL reports) 
    • Here all reports in the system are exported; also if they have been exported previously.
  • Eksporter indberetninger, der er eksporteret på dato (Export reports exported on specific date)
    • Here you can export all tax card requests which have previously been exported on a specific date. This may be relevant if a file has been damaged prior to submission or if a previously exported file cannot be found.

    The standard setting - Eksporter indberetninger der ikke tidligere er eksporteret (Export reports not previously exported) - should be used in connection with the day-to-day use of the program.

    Click ‘OK'. eIndkomstindberetning then creates the file with the reports to be uploaded to eIndkomst. When the file has been created, a dialogue box will present information on the number of lines created in the file.

    Note! The number of lines is not directly linked with the number of persons for which information is being reported.





Visning af billede: Image1

Submitting file to eIndkomst

The export files must be submitted to eIndkomst via TastSelv Erhverv, which is found at

If you log in using TastSelv PIN, select:

  • Log-in med TastSelv-kode (Log in with PIN code)
  • Enter your SE number in the ‘CVR-/SE-nummer' field and your TastSelv PIN in the ‘TastSelv-kode' field
  • In the TastSelv menu, select Indberetning til eIndkomst/LetLøn (Reporting to eIndkomst/LetLøn)

    If you log in using digital signature, select:

    • Log-in med digital signatur (Log in with digital signature)
    • Select your signature and enter your password
    • In the TastSelv menu, select Indberetning til eIndkomst/LetLøn (Reporting to eIndkomst/LetLøn)




In the eIndkomst menu, select:

Indberet lønoplysninger - filupload (Report salary/wage information - file upload)

Visning af billede: Image1

Click ‘Gennemse' (Browse).

In the dialogue box, select the exported file.

Click ‘Åbn' (Open) or double click the file.

When the file name is shown in the field to the left of ‘Gennemse' (Browse), the file is ready for upload to eIndkomst.

To upload the file, click ‘Indsend' (Submit). The file is now sent to eIndkomst.

It may be necessary to scroll down the page to find the ‘Indsend' (Submit) button.

When the file has been submitted, a confirmation is shown on the screen. However, this confirmation does not mean that the processing of your file has been completed or that it has been accepted by eIndkomst.


Visning af billede: Eva_3

Checking status of file submitted

After the file has been submitted to eIndkomst, it must be checked whether the file has been Modtaget (M) (Received), Delvist modtaget (D) (Partially received) or Afvist (A) (Rejected).

During peak load periods around the monthly closing and around the 10th of the month, there may be a waiting time of more than one hour before the status of the uploaded file can be viewed.


In the eIndkomst menu, select:

Forespørg på indberetningsstatus (Enquire about reporting status)

Visning af billede: Image1

Enter the submission date in the ‘Modtaget dato fra' (Received date from) field and then click ‘Søg' (Search). If you wish to further limit your search, you can enter a date in the ‘Modtaget dato til' (Received date to) field.

A number of lines with files submitted will now be shown. If no lines appear, this is either because the file has not been processed yet or because a wrong ‘Modtaget dato' (Received date) has been entered.

The column Status shows whether the file has been Afvist (A) (Rejected), Modtaget (M) (Received) or Delvist modtaget (D) (Partially received).

If the file has been ‘Modtaget' (Received), further action is generally not needed. There may, however, be a notice attached to the report. You can find the notice by clicking the relevant line and selecting the ‘Advis' (Notice) tab.

If the file has been ‘Delvist modtaget' (Partially received) or ‘Afvist' (Rejected), click the relevant line and select the Fejlmeddelelser (Error messages) tab to view the errors.

Correct the errors in the programme, create a new export file and upload a new file to eIndkomst.





Visning af billede: Image1

Correcting errors

When reporting to eIndkomst, several different types of errors may occur, for example:

  1. Entry/import of incorrect information
    1. The value in a field is incorrect. Should have been higher or lower than the value reported
  2. Missing or forgotten entry of one or more fields or an employee
  3. Rejected reports in eIndkomst

All information which has either been entered directly or imported to the program, may be corrected and submitted again.

Please note that no double reporting of information is made in cases where information has only been ‘Delvis modtaget' (Partially received).

Correcting information NOT exported from the program

The correction is made directly in the reporting screen.

In the menu line, select: Indberetninger - Opret/Ret (Reporting - Create/Correct)

  • Enter the SE number of the enterprise -> ENTER/TAB
  • Enter the CPR/SE number of the income earner -> ENTER/TAB
  • In the drop-down menu in the reporting screen, select the report which needs to be corrected
  • Click ‘Ret' (Correct) (in the top right-hand part of the screen)
  • Correct the information and click ‘Gem' (Save)

Repeat this process for all the reports which need to be corrected. Next, follow the process described under ‘Exporting information' - section 10.

Correcting information exported, but not uploaded to eIndkomst

Corrections to reports which have been exported but which have not been uploaded to eIndkomst can be made in the same way as described in section 10.5.1. However, please note the following:

  • If the correction is due to missing reporting in one or more fields for a person or if no reporting has been submitted for a person, the reporting must be made as an entirely new report, cf. section 7.2. It is only necessary, however, to report the missing information in the new report.

  • If reporting has been made for a wrong person, the report must be deleted in the program.

Correcting information uploaded to eIndkomst

If the information has been uploaded to eIndkomst, the correction can be made as follows:

  • If some of the information reported needs to be corrected or if additional information is reported, a new report must be made. However, only the differential amount needs to be reported. If the differential amount is negative, it is recommended that the uploaded report be cancelled in eIndkomst online and that a new file subsequently be created with the correct information.

  • A report can always be cancelled via eIndkomst online - Forespørg/Tilbagefør indberetninger (Enquire/Cancel reporting) - and subsequently replaced by new reporting containing all the information required.

  • If you have corrections for text, codes (employment code, ATP rate, E101 etc.), check boxes (fields 11, 40, 60 etc.) checkbox, the reporting must first be cancelled via eIndkomst online - Forespørg/Tilbagefør indberetninger (Enquire/Cancel reporting). Subsequently, an entirely new report is made containing all the information required.