As of 1 June 2008, all employers are required to submit tax card requests for all employees to eIndkomst. Subsequently, the tax cards can be retrieved in eIndkomst, and income information about the enterprise's employees can be submitted.

In the menu line, select: Lønmodtager - Skattekort (Salary/wage earner - Tax card).

Visning af billede: Image1


Enter the SE number of the employer for which information is to be reported and press ENTER/TAB (if the employer is not registered in the program already, it is automatically created).



Enter the CPR/SE number (normally always CPR number) of the party for which the tax card request is to be submitted and press ENTER/TAB. If the person/enterprise is not registered in the system already, the dialogue box on the right appears.

If you wish to enter the name, address etc. of the person for which the tax card request is submitted, click ‘Ja' (Yes); if not, click ‘Nej' (No).

In the following instances, additional information must always be reported:

  • Persons without a CPR number or whose CPR number is not known or is incorrect
  • Persons who are resident abroad - also if they have a Danish CPR number

Visning af billede: Image1


If you select ‘Nej' (No), the program continues to the fields concerning tax card.



If you select ‘Ja' (Yes), the program continues to the fields for additional information.



When you have entered additional information, click ‘Gem' (Save), and the program continues to the fields concerning tax card.



Fill in the fields concerning tax card and click ‘Gem' (Save).

Fratrædelsesdato (Resignation date) must only be filled in when the person resigns. If the field is filled in and submitted together with a creation/first request, no tax card will be sent out.

Genrekvisition (Renewed request) must only be filled in if you wish to receive a new version of the tax card already received, if, for example, it has been lost.