If the enterprise has previously used SKAT's S74 program to report annual withholding statements to SKAT, master data can be imported for the employers and employees for which information has previously been reported.

If the enterprise has not previously used the S74 program, go to section 4 in the guide.

Importing employer information

In the menu line, select: Filer - Import - S74 sidste år - Arbejdsgivere (Files - Import - S74 last year - Employers).

In the dialogue box, open the folder where the S74 program is installed.

It is typically installed in the folder: C:\Programmer\SKAT\S742007.

Open the folder DATA2007, click the file ‘WFIRMA.DBF' and click ‘Åbn' (Open).

The program now imports the information. Wait until you receive confirmation that the information has been imported.

Visning af billede: Image1


Importing salary/wage earner information

In the menu line, select: Filer - Import - S74 sidste år - Lønmodtagere (Files - Import - S74 last year - Salary/wage earners).

In the dialogue box, open the folder where the S74 program is installed.

It is typically installed in the folder: C:\Programmer\SKAT\S742007.

Open the catalogue DATA2007, click the file ‘WPERSON.DBF' and select ‘Åbn' (Open).

The program now imports the information. Wait until you receive confirmation that the information has been imported.

Visning af billede: Image1