You can register for TastSelv Erhverv by ordering a PIN at - select ‘Virksomhed' (Enterprise) and ‘Gå til TastSelv Erhverv' (Go to TastSelv Erhverv). When you have received your TastSelv PIN, you can log in to TastSelv Erhverv where you can select ‘Ændre tilmeldingsoplysninger' (Change registration information) and where you can register for electronic submission of PAL declarations once Nyt TastSelv Erhverv and the PAL system are ready.

When you have registered for TastSelv Erhverv, you will receive an email when it is time to report. Therefore, please remember to give SKAT your email address when you log in to TastSelv Erhverv the first time. Currently, it is only possible to state one email address and one contact name. When the development of Nyt TastSelv Erhverv has been completed, it will be possible to register several email addresses.