Insurance companies, pension funds etc. must both report insurance premiums and contributions due and made and report any plans to which no contributions have been made.

Banks and savings banks must report the contributions made. Reporting is made to the Danish Central Pension System (CPS).

Reporting must be made by 20 January of the following year at the latest, or, if this is a Saturday or Sunday, by the following Monday at the latest. Reporting is made via forms 03.017 and 03.018, which may be obtained by contacting Skattecenter Maribo by telephone or via email to

Guidelines are available on the form, which is found at

Form 03.017 Indberetning til pensionsbidragssystemet (CPS) af supplerende engangsydelse i pensionskasse, samt arbejdsgiveradministrerede ordninger (Reporting to the pension contribution system (CPS) of supplementary one-off contribution to pension fund as well as employer-administered schemes).

Form 03.018 Indberetning til pensionsbidragssystemet (CPS) af supplerende engangsydelse i pensionskasse, privattegnede ordninger (Reporting to the pension contribution system (CPS) of supplementary one-off contribution to pension fund, private pension plans)

Reporting can be made as both individual reporting or through a file transfer of several reports. Reporting can be made via TastSelv.

If a contribution has been made to an employer-administered scheme, the employer must withhold and settle labour market contributions in connection with payments being made into the foreign plan, and it is therefore the net amount which is paid into the plan. The employer also informs the party with the contribution obligation (the pension holder) about the size of the contribution.

The rules are contained in Section 11(6) of the Danish Labour Market Contribution Act (Arbejdsmarkedsbidragsloven).