
If the latest deadline for submitting a statement and paying PAL tax falls on a Danish public holiday or a Saturday, the deadline is extended to the next working day.


Plans with foreign banks and pension providers

The deadline is extended to the next working day if the latest deadline for submitting a statement and paying PAL tax falls on a public holiday or a Saturday in the country in which the company etc. is domiciled.


This applies to foreign banks and pension providers that are not permanently established in Denmark which offer pension plans to persons

  • who are fully liable to taxation in Denmark under Section 1 of the Danish Withholding Tax Act (Kildeskatteloven (KSL)), and
  • who are not considered to be resident in a country other than Denmark or on the Faroe Islands or in Greenland according to the provisions of a double taxation treaty.

As foreign banks and pension providers must comply with deadlines set out in the Danish rules and respect Danish public holidays etc. on which financial undertakings are normally closed, the rule has been inserted in order to ensure that the normal closing days of foreign financial undertakings are also respected.