Last updated
09 Jul 2024 13:31
Current service disruption
Customs portal (DMS import) + DMS export + DMS Transit (NCTS)

Issue has been investigated and solved.

AS4 outrage was from 11:05-12:46

Update 13:25 - It is not needed to resend affected file(s) if there has been received notification(s) on submitted file(s)

Update 13:30 - Affected files between 11:10-11:50 may need to be resend.

Updated: 09-07-2024 13:25:52

Issue has been investigated and solved.

AS4 outrage was from 11:05-12:46

Update 13:25 - It is not needed to resend affected file(s) if there has been received notification(s) on submitted file(s)

Updated: 09-07-2024 13:25:36

Issue has been investigated and solved.

AS4 outrage was from 11:55-12:46

Update 13:25 - It is not needed to resend affected file(s) if there has been received notification(s) on submitted file(s)

Published: 09-07-2024 12:54:14

Issue has been investigated and solved.

AS4 outrage was from 11:55-12:46

Update shortly, if affected files/declarations etc. Must be resend or not.