Last updated
10 Apr 2024 20:23
Scheduled unavailability
ICS + Manifest + Customs portal (DMS import) + DMS export + DMS Transit (NCTS)

TFE/TEST-servicewindow Gateways Wednesday April 10, 2024, 1830-1930


Import/Export/NCTS (Transit)

File access:

  • File access to Import, Export and NCTS (Transit) will be available.

Online access:

  • Online access for Import and Export will be available.



File access:

  • File access to ICS and Manifest will be unavailable.

Online access:

  • Online access for Import Control System (ICS) and Manifest will be available.

DMS Import/DMS Export/DMS Forsendelse

File access:

  • File access to DMS Import/DMS Export/DMS Forsendelse will be unavailable.

Online access:

  • Online access for DMS Import/DMS Export/DMS Forsendelse will be available.


Update 20:22 - Servicewindow is hereby completed.

Published: 10-04-2024 13:15:07

TFE/TEST-servicewindow Gateways Wednesday April 10, 2024, 1830-1930


Import/Export/NCTS (Transit)

File access:

  • File access to Import, Export and NCTS (Transit) will be available.

Online access:

  • Online access for Import and Export will be available.



File access:

  • File access to ICS and Manifest will be unavailable.

Online access:

  • Online access for Import Control System (ICS) and Manifest will be available.

DMS Import/DMS Export/DMS Forsendelse

File access:

  • File access to DMS Import/DMS Export/DMS Forsendelse will be unavailable.

Online access:

  • Online access for DMS Import/DMS Export/DMS Forsendelse will be available.
