PRD-servicewindow Tuesday April 9, 2024, 1800-2000.
As of April 9, 2024 at approx. 1810, some Carriers receiving declaration from other EU member states, that need to be closed in Denmark, must submit the arrival notification in DMS Export and DMS Forsendelse. The Danish Customs Agency has previously announced that the transition time was at 2200.
Udenlandske angivelser skal behandles i DMS fra 9. april Toldstyrelsen
If you attempt to retrieve a declaration from another EU member state in e-Export or NCTS after approx. 1810 on Tuesday April 9, 2024, the reply will be negative, and you must use DMS Export and DMS Forsendelse.
Declarations to DK – Shortly instability April 9 at 18-20.00 -
Instability shortly may be experienced in connection with the handling of declarations from other EU Member States to DK.
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