Providers and companies who use the EMCS application and/or call EMCS services on Skats B2B gateway.
EMCS has a planned service window in connection to the release of Phase 4.1 on Tuesday 13/02 00:00-13:05, with expected unavailability from 00:00-10:30.
We recommend using EMCS outside of this time period.
Within this time period fall back procedure is permitted. EMCS fall back documents (22.074-22.079) are updated. They can be found here”
Note that after the service window EMCS will be running on version 4.1 and not 4.0. If you are using EMCS B2B-solution please update schemas with the newest version. Find them here on Implementeringsvejledning for B2B webservices -
You can use the EMCS solution via login on TastSelv Erhverv in case you are not ready with the new schemas before the 13th of February 2024.
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