Last updated
25 Oct 2023 15:44
ICS + Manifest + Customs portal (DMS import) + DMS export + DMS Transit (NCTS)

Tuesday the 31st of october 2023 is the cut off date for changing to MitID Erhverv.

You will lose access to the systems in Skatteforvaltningen and Toldstyrelsen if you do not make the change.

If your company use VOCES-, FOCES- or MOCES- certificates from NemID-medarbejdersignatur to connect to the Danish Customs services, you must switch to the new OCES3 certificates as soon as possible.

Please note that the new certificate must be assigned rights in TastSelv Erhverv and registered in the certificate portal if you wish to access the FTPS gateway or the AS4 gateway.

See newsletter: Skift fra NemID til MitID Erhverv inden 31. oktober, så du ikke mister adgang til systemer