Last updated
24 okt 2023 12:07
Scheduled unavailability
Customs portal (DMS import) + DMS export + DMS Transit (NCTS)

DMS Import/DMS Export/DMS Forsendelse

Wednesday October 25, 2023, 1700-1730 with instability/downtime during the period

This service window has been moved to October 30, 2023 at 17:00-17:30

File access:

  • Files sent to DMS Import/DMS Export/DMS Forsendelse will fail/be rejected during the service window.

Online access:

  • The online system for DMS Import/DMS Export/DMS Forsendelse will be unavailable during the service window.

Affected entries need to be resubmitted after the service window.

The use of fallback procedure is allowed within the service window.

Please note that submission of H7- declarations is not recommended during the Service Window.

Published: 23-10-2023 14:55:23

DMS Import/DMS Export/DMS Forsendelse

Wednesday October 25, 2023, 1700-1730 with instability/downtime during the period

File access:

  • Files sent to DMS Import/DMS Export/DMS Forsendelse will fail/be rejected during the service window.

Online access:

  • The online system for DMS Import/DMS Export/DMS Forsendelse will be unavailable during the service window.

Affected entries need to be resubmitted after the service window.

The use of fallback procedure is allowed within the service window.

Please note that submission of H7- declarations is not recommended during the Service Window.