Last updated
16 Aug 2023 23:22
Scheduled unavailability

Service window is hereby completed at 23.00

Updated: 16-08-2023 23:06:59

Regarding the service window on DMS (Service window Wednesday 16/08-2023 at 1700-2359), there will be no access to DMS.

This also means that the connection between Manifest and DMS Import/DMS Export/DMS Transit is closed and:

- submission of arrival declarations/notifications relating to H7 declarations, and submission of departure declarations/notifications regarding DMS Export / DMS Transit are not recommended during the service window.

Published: 15-08-2023 14:56:06

Regarding the service window on DMS (Service window Wednesday 16/08-2023 at 1700-2359), there will be no access to DMS.

This also means that the connection between Manifest and DMS Import/DMS Export/DMS Transit is closed and:

- submission of arrival declarations/notifications relating to H7 declarations, and submission of departure declarations/notifications regarding DMS Export / DMS Transit are not recommended during the service window.