Last updated
09 maj 2023 14:28
Scheduled unavailability
Export + Manifest

Service window Manifest Online and Export

Manifest Online

Fix off “Missing data in MIG/MIO print” and “Split MIG/MIO”.


File access:

  • Files sent to Manifest will be processed during the service window.

Online access:

  • The online system for Manifest will be unavailable during the service window.


The use of fallback procedure is allowed within the service window.


Fix off “Issues with departure declarations with more than 500 EAD”.


File access:

  • Files sent to Export will be processed during the service window.

Online access:

  • The online system for Export will be available during the service window.


Published: 09-05-2023 10:39:07

Service window Manifest Online and Export

Manifest Online

Fix off “Missing data in MIG/MIO print” and “Split MIG/MIO”.


File access:

  • Files sent to Manifest will be processed during the service window.

Online access:

  • The online system for Manifest will be unavailable during the service window.


The use of fallback procedure is allowed within the service window.


Fix off “Issues with departure declarations with more than 500 EAD”.


File access:

  • Files sent to Export will be processed during the service window.

Online access:

  • The online system for Export will be available during the service window.
