Last updated
04 May 2023 14:22
Current service disruption

We are currently experiencing problems when splitting a MIO and transferring a MIG to a MIO and vice versa when using Manifest Online.

We are working on a solution. We currently have no time frame for when the problem will be solved.

If urgent help is needed contact Servicedesk.

Update 04.05.2023 14.19: It is now possible to transfer MIG/MIO, there are still problems when splitting MIG/MIO. 
More info here

Published: 03-05-2023 14:48:13

We are currently experiencing problems when splitting a MIO and transferring a MIG to a MIO and vice versa when using Manifest Online.

We are working on a solution. We currently have no time frame for when the problem will be solved.

If urgent help is needed contact Servicedesk.