Last updated
17 Sep 2022 23:35
Scheduled unavailability
Import + Export + ICS + Manifest + Transit (NCTS)

Service Window on all customs systems.

File access:

  • Files sent to Import, Export and NCTS (Transit) will be processed when the service window has passed.
  • Files sent to ICS and Manifest will be processed when the service window has passed..


Online access:

  • The online systems for Import and Export will be unavailable during the service window.
  • The online systems for Import Control System (ICS) and Manifest will be unavailable during the service window.


The use of fallback procedure is allowed within the service window


Published: 13-09-2022 09:29:26

Service Window on all customs systems.

File access:

  • Files sent to Import, Export and NCTS (Transit) will be processed when the service window has passed.
  • Files sent to ICS and Manifest will be processed when the service window has passed..


Online access:

  • The online systems for Import and Export will be unavailable during the service window.
  • The online systems for Import Control System (ICS) and Manifest will be unavailable during the service window.


The use of fallback procedure is allowed within the service window
