Last updated
20 Aug 2022 12:54
Current service disruption
EMCS + ICS + Manifest + E-tax for businesses (NTSE) + Customs portal (DMS import)

We are currently experiencing issues accessing TastSelv Erhverv

The problem is being investigated. INC000001281245

Update 20-08-2022 12:49: The systems are up and running and can be accessed as usual. Fallback procedure is no longer allowed. Fallback procedures that are currently underway can be completed.

Update 20-08-2022 12:36: The systems seems to be up and running again. We will continue to monitor the situation.

Updated: 20-08-2022 12:38:24

We are currently experiencing issues accessing TastSelv Erhverv

Fallback procedure is allowed where neccesary.

The problem is being investigated. INC000001281245

Update 20-08-2022 12:36: The systems seems to be up and running again. We will continue to monitor the situation.

Published: 20-08-2022 12:20:19

We are currently experiencing issues accessing TastSelv Erhverv

Fallback procedure is allowed where neccesary.

The problem is being investigated. INC000001281245