23:46:19.6327987: objbase! oid --> 2395471
23:46:19.6327987: objbase! vid --> 219250
23:46:19.6327987: objbase! ownid --> 0
23:46:19.6327987: library.obj! name --> C.H.4 Ejendomsskatter (NYT)
23:46:19.6327987: library.obj! path --> 116237,115126,96935,4677839,4683157,4716204 (Path of id's)
23:46:19.6327987: library.obj! oPath --> 0,-3,130961,124,1948070,2395471 (Path of oid's)
23:46:19.6327987: library.obj! tid --> 1201
23:46:19.6327987: library.obj! lvl --> 5
23:46:19.6327987: library.obj! lang --> DA
23:46:19.6327987: library.obj! pid --> 4683157
23:46:19.6327987: library.obj! tTable --> 0
23:46:19.6327987: library.obj! toDate --> 30-07-2024 23:59:00
23:46:19.6327987: library.obj! isVersion --> True
23:46:19.6327987: library.obj! isComplex --> False
23:46:19.6327987: library.obj! isParent --> False
23:46:19.6327987: library.obj! isContainer --> False
23:46:19.6327987: library.obj! isYear --> False
23:46:19.6327987: library.obj! isLegal --> True (Juridisk dokument)
23:46:19.6327987: library.obj! isPublished --> True (Offentliggjort)
23:46:19.6327987: library.obj! hasMetaMenu --> False
23:46:19.6327987: library.obj! hasPrint --> True
23:46:19.6327987: library.obj! hasPrintMenu --> True
23:46:19.6327987: library.obj! isSearch --> True
23:46:19.6327987: library.obj! templateType --> 19
23:46:19.6327987: library.obj! isVirtual --> False
23:46:19.6327987: library.obj! lid --> 0 (Layout Id directly from object)
23:46:19.6327987: library.obj! templateLayout --> 0 (Layout Id from template)
23:46:19.6327987: library.obj! net --> isInternet
23:46:19.6327987: library.obj! instanceCount --> 43
23:46:19.6327987: portal.parent! oid --> 124
23:46:19.6327987: portal.parent! vid --> 219250
23:46:19.6327987: portal.parent! ownid --> 0
23:46:19.6327987: portal.parent! name --> Den juridiske vejledning 2024-1
23:46:19.6327987: portal.parent! path --> 116237,115126,96935,4677839
23:46:19.6327987: portal.parent! navigate --> treelevel
23:46:19.6327987: portal.parent! navigateDefault --> 0
23:46:19.6327987: portal.parent! tableType -->
23:46:19.6327987: portal.parent! tTable --> 0
23:46:19.6327987: portal.parent! hasVersions --> -1
23:46:19.6327987: portal.parent! tId --> 1199
23:46:19.6327987: display.Internet.layout! navigate --> treelevel
23:46:19.6327987: display.Internet.layout! contentWidth -->
23:46:19.6327987: display.Internet.layout! pgHiearkiStyle -->
23:46:19.6327987: display.Internet.layout! pgSidetekstFontColor -->
23:46:19.6327987: display.Internet.layout! pgJura --> 1
23:46:19.6327987: display.Internet.layout! pgSidetekstVis --> 0 (Angiver antal sider som skal vises samtidigt. 9999 angiver samtlige, 0=standard (kun aktuelle))
23:46:19.6327987: display.Internet.layout! pgHieraki --> True
23:46:19.6327987: display.Internet.layout! pgSidetekst --> True (Angiver om tekst skal vises)
23:46:19.6327987: display.Internet.layout! pgVersion --> True
23:46:19.6327987: display.Internet.layout! pgSidemenu --> True
23:46:19.6327987: display.Internet.layout! pgHref --> False
23:46:19.6327987: display.Internet.layout! displayMode --> 0
23:46:19.6327987: display.Internet.layout! inclVersion --> True
23:46:19.6327987: display.Internet.layout! edgeExclude --> False
23:46:19.6327987: display.Internet.layout! print --> False
23:46:19.6327987: display.Internet.layout! addParent --> False
23:46:19.6327987: display.Internet.layout! reportInclHdr --> True
23:46:19.6327987: display.Internet.layout! lang --> DA
23:46:19.6327987: display.Internet.layout! parm0 --> (Input parameter)
23:46:19.6327987: display.Internet.layout! type --> (request(type))
23:46:19.6327987: display.Internet.layout! pgSidehoved --> True
23:46:19.6327987: display.Internet.layout! pgTop --> True (Display top menu?)
23:46:19.6327987: display.Internet.layout! pgBund --> True
23:46:19.6327987: display.Internet.layout! ReportBufferInterval --> 30
23:46:19.6327987: display.Internet.layout! newsBufferInterval --> 10
23:46:19.6327987: display.Internet.layout! JuraBufferInterval --> 1440
23:46:19.6171843: Inherit aId 34 hit --> 96935 --> 1,0,,1,0,default,1,0,treelevel,,,1,0,1,,0,1,0,,,,simple,,1,0,0,1,0,1,1,0,1