On this page, you can see the latest information about service disruptions and scheduled unavailability. You may choose to filter by individual systems or see the complete overview.

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Overview of the latest service status information for all customs systems

Scheduled unavailabilityImportPRD-servicewindow Monday 17-02-202514-02-2025 kl. 13:0114-02-2025 13:01:00
Scheduled unavailabilityDMS eksport, DMS Forsendelse (NCTS), DMS Import, Import, ManifestPRD-servicewindow DMS Tuesday February 18, 202514-02-2025 kl. 07:1614-02-2025 07:16:00
PendingDMS eksport, DMS Forsendelse (NCTS)Issues with downloading EAD04-02-2025 kl. 21:2123-01-2025 13:37:00
InformationImportImport and end of month January 202529-01-2025 kl. 19:5929-01-2025 19:59:00
InformationDMS Import, Importproblems with receiving mail-reminder for an importspec.15-01-2025 kl. 10:2615-01-2025 10:26:00

See the full overview