Fejlsvar | Årsag |
403, Forbidden
| Der benyttes ugyldig/ukendt certifikat |
403, Forbidden, { "errors": [ { "title": "Wrong platformId", "detail": "The reporter may not access the resource" } ] } | Ukendt indberetter, der ikke er tilknyttet indberetning |
400, Bad Request "Missing transaction and/or request id" | Der mangler transaction/request ID i kaldet til webservicen |
422, Unprocessable Entity, { "errors": [ { "title": "additionalProperties", "source": { "pointer": "#/data/attributes/filingData", "schemaLocation": "#/properties/data/properties/attributes/properties/filingData" }, "detail": "#/data/attributes/filingData: extraneous key [xxx] is not permitted" }, ] } 422, Unprocessable Entity, { "errors": [ { "title": "JsonParsingError", "detail": "org.apache.groovy.json.internal.Exceptions$JsonInternalException: unexpected character a" } ] } 422, Unprocessable Entity, { "errors": [ { "title": "required", "source": { "pointer": "#/data/attributes", "schemaLocation": "#/properties/data/properties/attributes" }, "detail": "#/data/attributes: required key [sequenceNumber] not found" } ] } 422, Unprocessable Entity, { "errors": [ { "title": "enum", "source": { "pointer": "#/data/type" }, "detail": "#/data/type: wrong-filing is not a valid enum value" } ] } | Data (payload) overholder ikke JSON strukturen |
422, Unprocessable Entity, { "errors": [ { "title": "additionalProperties", "source": { "pointer": "#/data/attributes/filingData/asset", "schemaLocation": "#/properties/data/properties/attributes/properties/filingData/properties/asset" }, "detail": "#/data/attributes/filingData/asset: extraneous key [structuredAddress] is not permitted" }, ] } | FilingType angivet i URL og payload stemmer ikke overens |
403, Forbidden, { "errors": [ { "title": "Issue with personIdToken/platformId", "detail": "personIdToken/platformId mismatch" } ] } | PersonToken stemmer ikke overens med de udbydere, der er registreret hos indberetter |
403, Forbidden, { "errors": [ { "title": "Unknown platform", "detail": "Filing rejected, because the platform was not registered" } ] } | Indberetter har ikke pligten (pligtkode 222) |
403, Forbidden, { "errors": [ { "title": "Issue with paymentYear", "detail": "The company does not have the correct code of duty for that year 2026" } ] } | Indberetters pligt er ophørt, eller pligten er endnu ikke gyldig |
422, Unprocessable Entity, { "errors": [ { "title": "minimum", "source": { "pointer": "#/data/attributes/filingData/amount", "schemaLocation": "#/properties/data/properties/attributes/properties/filingData/properties/amount" }, "detail": "#/data/attributes/filingData/amount: 0 is not greater or equal to 0.005" } ] } | Payload kan ikke valideres. Læs mere om valideringsregler i bilag 8. |