Box 1 - Notifier

State the name, postal address, telephone number and contact person of the pension provider where the pension scheme is registered at the time when the tax liability arises.

Box 1 - Telephone number

State the direct telephone number of the pension provider’s contact person.

Box 2 - Recipient

The recipient is the Tax Agency.

Box 3 - CVR number or SE number

State the bank’s CVR number or SE number. The number used must be registered with Erhvervsstyrelsen (the Danish Business Authority) for duty to declare pension tax.

The SE number may also be from a foreign pension provider approved under section 15C of the Pension Tax Act.

The date of establishment for foreign pension schemes cannot be earlier than 1 January 2006.

In case of missing declaration or errors, error number 3071 is set up - SE number unknown or incorrect.

Box 3A - Pension scheme number

State the pension scheme number approved (in Denmark). The box is only relevant for pension providers registered in an EU/EEA member state other than Denmark and which are approved under section 15C of the Pension Tax Act.

The date of establishment for foreign pension schemes cannot be earlier than 1 January 2006. In case of errors, error number 3220 is set up - Date of establishment for foreign pension schemes cannot be earlier than 1 January 2006.

If the approved foreign pension provider does not declare the number of the pension scheme, error number 3254 is set up - Foreign business - pension scheme number missing.

Box 4 - Name and address of the taxable person

State the pension holder’s name and address.

Only to be completed if there is no civil registration number for the holder.

When distributing pension assets after the division of a joint estate, the receiving spouse will be solely liable to tax on the distributed part. It is therefore the name and address of the receiving spouse that should be stated. See section 30(2) of the Danish Pension Tax Act.

Box 5 - Civil registration number

State the pension holder’s civil registration number (CPR number), which must contain 10 digits (numerical). In the event of death, the civil registration number of the deceased is stated - not the civil registration numbers of the beneficiaries.

When distributing pension assets after the division of a joint estate, the receiving spouse will be solely liable to tax on the distributed part. It is therefore the name and address of the receiving spouse that should be stated. See section 30(2) of the Danish Pension Tax Act.

In case of missing statement or errors, error number 3013 is set up - CPR number incorrect or missing.

If the holder does not have a CPR number, the form must be submitted to the Tax Agency via Kundeoverblik (Customer overview) under the subject ‘Disbursement of pension - Pension Tax Act manual’.

Box 6 - Policy/membership/account number

State the policy, membership, registration or account number.

If there are several accounts under the same pension scheme, the additional account numbers must be stated in the form under ‘Other comments’.

If it is a positive change in relation to previous declarations submitted, state ‘RET’ (correct) in this box in front of the policy, membership, registration or account number.

Negative corrections and a request for a refund of tax must be sent separately to the Tax Agency. Sign in with your MitID. Write to US. State the subject ‘Refund of tax’.

In case of missing statement or errors, error number 3002 is set up - Account number or policy number missing.

Regarding 2012 and earlier

Positive corrections regarding supplementary one-off disbursements submitted with ‘RET’ in front of the policy, membership, registration or account number concerning 2012 or earlier or 2013, which are sent to the Tax Agency in 2013 or 2014 or later, may be rejected with errors as a result of the lower tax rate in 2013, 2014 and 2015. In this case, please contact the Tax Agency.

Regarding 2013, 2014 and 2015

Positive corrections regarding supplementary one-off disbursements submitted with ‘RET’ in front of the policy, membership, registration or account number concerning 2013, 2014 or 2015, which are sent to the Tax Agency in 2015 and subsequent years, may be rejected with errors as a result of the lower tax rate in 2013, 2014 and 2015. In this case, please contact the Tax Agency.

Box 7 - Date of establishment (DD MM YYYY)

State the date of establishment of the pension scheme, which must be valid and earlier than or equal to today’s date.

  • Pension schemes with insurance companies: The date on which the final agreement about the scheme was concluded. The final agreement is not concluded until an agreement between the policyholder and the pension provider has been finally concluded or, for employer-administered schemes, when the agreements between the insured, the policyholder and the pension provider have been finally concluded.
  • Pension schemes with banks: The date on which the first contribution to the scheme was made according to the agreement concluded.
  • Transferred terminated pension scheme: The original date of establishment, if the terminated pension scheme has been transferred from another pension scheme.

The date must always be stated numerically in the DD MM YYYY format.

In case of missing statement or errors, set up the following error numbers:

  • Error number 3014 - Date of establishment is not valid; or
  • Error number 3016 - Date of establishment is not earlier than or equal to today’s date.

The date of establishment must be stated unless Type (box 10) is
•    65 (IVÆ);
•    67 (LD);
•    69 (ATP);
•    77 (SP);
•    90 (EFT); or
•    92 (FLEX).

In case of errors, error number 3024 is set up - Date of establishment must be stated.

If Type (box 10) is 43 (INDEX), Date of establishment must be earlier than or equal to 24 November 1971. In case of errors, error number 3047 is set up - Date of establishment is later than 24 November 1971, Index must not be declared.

If Type (box 10) is 77 (SP), Date of establishment must be later than 31 December 1997, otherwise error number 3095 is set up - Supplementary pension must have Date of establishment later than 31 December 1997.

The date of establishment for foreign pension schemes cannot be earlier than 1 January 2006. In case of errors, error number 3220 is set up - Date of establishment for foreign pension schemes cannot be earlier than 1 January 2006.

Box 8 - Date of disbursement (DD MM YYYY)

Enter the date on which the disbursement is made, conversion of supplementary one-off disbursements to supplementary lump sum is made, or when knowledge of the tax liability arising is obtained. As a general rule, the tax liability arises on the date of disbursement.

The date must be indicated numerically in the DD MM YYYY format. The date must be valid and later than 31 December 1988 for all pension schemes and must be earlier than or equal to today’s date 7 days.

In case of errors, set up one of the following errors:

  • Error number 3065 - Date of disbursement must be later than 31 December 1988;
  • Error number 3017 - Disbursement date error; or
  • Error number 3124 - Date of disbursement must not be later than today’s date plus 7 days.

If Type (box 10) is 65 (IVÆ), 67 (LD), 69 (ATP), 90 (EFT) and 92 (FLEX), the date of disbursement must be later than Date of establishment (box 7). In case of errors, error number
 3003 is set up - Date of disbursement must be later than the date of establishment

If Type (box 10) is  

  • 65 (IVÆ), Date of disbursement must be later than 1 January 2009;
  • 69 (ATP), Date of disbursement must be later than 30 June 1992;
  • 90 (EFT), Date of disbursement must be later than 30 September 1999; or
  • 92 (FLEX), Date of disbursement must be later than 30 June 2001.

In case of errors, error number 3255 is set up - Date of disbursement is too early in relation to Type.


If the tax liability is due to a transaction or change in contravention of the provisions of the Pension Tax Act, the tax liability arises on the date on which the transaction or the change was agreed with binding effect (box 11, case 2). The tax must be settled one month at the latest after the pension provider has been informed of the transaction or the change. In this case, the date of awareness must be stated.

If the entitlement to the disbursements is transferred to a person not liable to pay tax

Tax liability will arise on the date on which the right to the pension benefits (disbursements) is transferred to a person who is not liable to pay income tax under section 20 of the Pension Tax Act or on which the income taxation liability lapses under section 20. However, this does not apply to pension schemes taken out before 1 January 1972. In this case, also the date of awareness must be stated.

Box 9 (1) - Personal pension scheme

Please tick here if the pension scheme is a personal pension scheme.

Only the status of the pension scheme at the time the tax liability arises is decisive.

Box 9 (2) - Employer-administered pension scheme

Please tick here if the pension scheme is an employer-administered pension scheme.

Only the status of the pension scheme at the time the tax liability arises is decisive.

If a holder has several pension schemes, e.g. both a personal and/or an employer-administered pension scheme, the schemes must be declared on separate forms.
In case of missing statement or errors, error number 3004 is set up - Pension scheme must be empty or 1 for personal or 2 for employer-administered.

The pension scheme must be filled in, unless Type (box 10) is 65 (IVÆ), 67 (LD), 69 (ATP), 90 (EFT) or 92 (FLEX). In case of errors, error number 3125 is set up - Pension scheme must be 1 for personal or 2 for employer-administered.

Box 10 - Type of pension scheme

If a capital pension contains a transferred LD savings scheme, form 07.040 must be used.

Please tick the relevant box, and whether the pension scheme has been partially or fully terminated.

Box 10 - Field 1

Please tick here if the disbursement includes annuity insurance or annuity savings - pension schemes taken out with insurance companies or banks.

Box 10 - Field 2

Please tick here if the disbursement includes indexed pension schemes. State the number of contracts from 1-6. Remember to tick box 12. In case of errors, error number 3035 is set up - For type 43 (Index), Index must be 1-6.

Box 10 - Field 3

Please tick here if the disbursement includes life annuities/pension schemes with regular disbursements.

Box 10 - Field 4

Please tick here if the disbursement includes temporary life annuity schemes.

Box 10 - Field 5

Please tick here if the disbursement relates to a Supplementary one-off disbursement scheme (from 2013).

2012 and earlier types consist of the following fields indicating the pension scheme types involved and identified in the register as PENSARTKOD (pension type code). Data input is governed by the following codes related to PENSARTKOD:

List of field names, pension schemes and pension type
RATE Annuity scheme    42
INDEX Indexed pension scheme (fields state the number of contracts)  43
PENS Pension scheme with regular disbursements  44
LIVR Temporary life annuity 45
SUPPL Supplementary one-off disbursement 48
IVÆ Business start-up  65
LD Employees’ Capital Pension Fund  67
ATP Labour Market Supplementary Pension Fund  69
EU EU scheme 70
SP Special pension scheme 77
EFT Terminated early retirement scheme  90
FLEX Terminated flex allowance scheme 92

Only one pension scheme or tax type must be stated.

In case of errors, error number 3051 is set up - Types such as RATE, INDEX, PENS, LIVR, SP, LD, EU, ATP, EFT, FLEX or BUSINESS START-UP ACCOUNT must be filled in.

The table below indicates the situations and the possible exceptions that may exist.

List of disbursement options 
P31 Type
(Box 10)
Reason for tax liability
(Box 11)
Possible exceptions 
(Box 12)
Instalment Full termination (41) 1, 2, 6, 7
Instalment Transaction (43) Not possible 
Always 60 per cent 
Instalment Partial termination (44) 7
Pension scheme with
regular disbursements 
Full termination (41) All
Pension scheme with
regular disbursements     
Not possible 
Always 60 per cent  
Pension scheme with
regular disbursements
Partial termination
Index     Full termination 
Always 40 per cent 
1, 2, 7
Index         Transaction
Not possible  
Index        Partial 
termination (44)
 Not possible 
one-off disbursement
Full termination (41) 1 - 4 
one-off disbursement
Transaction (43) 4
one-off disbursement 
Partial termination (44) 4
one-off disbursement 
 Transfer  4

If Type (box 10) is 77 (SP), 65 (IVÆ), 67 (LD) or 69 (ATP), the exemption code must be 4 or 7, if declared. In case of errors, error number 3112 is set up - Tax type must have exemption code empty, 4 or 7.

If Type (box 10) is 90 (EFT) or 92 (FLEX), the reason for termination (box 11) must be 45 or 46. In case of errors, error number 3026 is set up - Reason for termination missing or incorrect.

If Type (box 10) is 43 (INDEX), the value in INDEX must be between 1 and 6 inclusive. In case of errors, error number 3035 is set up - For type 43 (Index), Index must be 1-6.

Non-deducted amounts after 1979 (box 17) must not have been declared. In case of errors, error number 3063 is set up - For Index, non-deducted amounts after 1979 must not occur.

The exemption code (box 12) must be 4 (death), 5 (not liable to tax) or 9 (other cause). Otherwise, error number 3082 is set up - For Index, the exemption must be 4, 5 or 9.

Box 11 - Tax liability arising

Please tick the relevant box. The reason for termination must be stated.

If the reason for termination does not appear, error 3026 is set up - Reason for termination missing or incorrect.

Box 11 - case 1: Disbursement upon termination of the pension scheme (41)

Please tick here if the tax liability has arisen upon termination of the pension scheme.

In case of errors:

  • Error number 3085 is set up - Index and tax schemes must have reason for termination 41.
  • Error number 3307 is set up - Special pension schemes must have reason for termination 41 or 47.

Box 11 - case 2: Disposal of the pension scheme, see section 30(1) and (7) of the Act or changes as mentioned in section 31 (43)

Please tick here if the tax liability has arisen as a result of a transaction or a change.

Examples of transactions can be the transfer of or borrowing against an account. Examples of a change can be the naming of a beneficiary who is not in compliance with the statutory requirements.

If Type (box 10) is 48 (SUPPL) and Reason for termination (box 11) is 43, the exemption code must not have been declared. In case of errors, error number 3083 is set up - Exemption cannot be declared in case of exemption arrangements.

Box 11 - case 3: Partial termination (44)

Please tick here if the tax liability has arisen as a result of partial termination.

If Type (box 10) is 48 (SUPPL), Exemption code must be empty or 9. In case of errors, error number 3122 is set up - In case of termination 44, exemption must be empty or 9.

Box 11 - case 4: Transfer to supplementary lump sum, see section 29 A(1) (48)

Please tick here if a supplementary one-off disbursement is converted to a supplementary lump sum.

In case of errors, error number 3140 is set up - Reason for termination 48 only applies to Pension schemes, Temporary life annuity and Supplementary one-off disbursement.

Box 12 - If 60 per cent tax is not payable under the Pension Tax Act, but 40 per cent is payable, the reason must be stated

If 60 per cent tax is not payable, one of the following conditions for exception must be met.

Box 12 - case 1: Disbursement upon death, see section 29(1) of the Act (4)

Please tick here when a pension scheme is disbursed after the death of the previous holder.

If the person has not died, error number 3005 is set up - Person is not dead.

Box 12 - case 2: Not liable to income tax under section 29(2) of the Act (5)

Please tick here if the right to the pension scheme accrues to a person who is either not liable to pay income tax or the income tax liability lapses at some point. The income tax liability for a child receiving regular disbursements from an annuity pension scheme, for example, will lapse when the child reaches the age of 24.
At this time, 40 per cent tax is payable on the pension scheme.

Box 12 - case 3: One-off disbursement (6)

Please tick here when a one-off disbursement or repurchase of the insurance is paid, see section 29(3) and (4) of the Act.

Box 12 - case 4: Supplementary one-off disbursement (8)

Please tick here when a supplementary one-off disbursement is paid, see section 29 A(1) of the Act (only pension funds).

Box 12 - case 5: Lump sum (7)

Disbursement of lump sum, see section 29 B of the Pension Tax Act.

Box 12 - case 6: Disability sum (3)

Please tick here if disbursement of disability sum is made, see section 29 C of the Pension Tax Act.

Box 12 - case 7: Other reason (9)

Please tick here in connection with disbursements from indexed pension schemes or in connection with a total disbursement of bonus agreed before 1 January 1990.

If Type (box 10) is 43 (INDEX), the exemption code must be 4 (dead), 5 (not liable to income tax) or 9 (other reason). In case of errors, error number 3082 is set up - For Index, the exemption must be 4, 5 or 9.
If Type (box 10) is 48 (SUPPL) and Reason for termination is 41 (full termination), Exemption code must be empty, 4 or 8. In case of errors, error number 3142 is set up - For Type 48 (SUPPL), Exemption must be empty, 4 or 8.
If Exemption code is 4, Reason for termination (box 11) must be 41 (or 45 or 46) if Type (box 10) is 48 (SUPPL). In case of errors, error number 3118 is set up - For Exemption 4, Reason for termination must be 41 (or 45 or 46)

Boxes 13-17 - Statement of value

The values in A to E must be completed with the values at the time when the tax liability has arisen.

If the pension scheme is partially terminated, the disbursements made must be regarded as being the most recent disbursements and increases in value according to the LIFO principle. Previous disbursements must be deducted at specified values.

If several index-linked contracts are terminated at the same time, one single form must be submitted for the terminated scheme. The tax calculation must be made for each contract separately due to the rounding-down rules.

In case of a positive correction form, ‘RET’ must be stated in front of the policy/registration or account number. Only the differential amount from the previously submitted declaration is to be declared as value. The differential tax must be paid with the other terminated schemes. See also box 6.

In case of a negative correction form, this must be submitted separately to the Tax Agency with a request for refund.

Box 13 - (A) Total value of the pension scheme

State the total value of the account(s) calculated including interest and other increases in value at the time of the tax liability arising.

Prior to the tax calculation, the balance must be reduced by the tax paid on yields from pension scheme assets. Any amounts which can be refunded under section 25 of the Danish Pension Investment Return Tax Act (Pensionsafkastbeskatningsloven) must be added to the balance prior to the tax calculation.

State the part of the taxable value of the account for each beneficiary upon disbursement after the holder’s death. The gross value of the pension scheme must be numerical and greater than 0. In case of errors, error number 3101 is set up - Amount must be numerical.

If Type (box 10) is 65 (IVÆ), 67 (LD), 69 (ATP) or 77 (SP), Gross value of the scheme may also be 0 or negative, otherwise the gross value of the scheme must be greater than or equal to 0. In case of errors, error number 3036 is set up - Gross value of the scheme must be greater than zero.

Box 14 - (B) Taxable value

Fully terminated

State the taxable value of the pension scheme, i.e. A ‘Total value of the pension scheme’.

When stated, the taxable value must be lower than or equal to box 13 (Gross value of the scheme). In case of errors, error number 3019 is set up - Taxable value must not be (numerically) greater than Gross value of the scheme.

When stated, the taxable value must be numerical. In case of errors, error number 3101 is set up - Amount must be numerical and must not be zero.
If Type (box 10) is 65 (IVÆ), 67 (LD), 77 (SP) or 69 (ATP), the taxable value may also be 0 or negative. Otherwise, the taxable value must be greater than 0. In case of errors, error number 3028 is set up - Taxable amount must be greater than zero.
If Taxable value has not been declared, it is stated as equal to box 13 (Gross value of the scheme).

Partially terminated

State the actual amount withdrawn. If the taxable amount is lower than DKK 100, no tax is payable.

The taxable value is the value of the pension scheme after the tax on the yields from the pension has been finally calculated and deducted from the scheme (Positive PAL) or added to the scheme (Negative PAL).
The taxable value must not be (numerically) greater than the gross value of the scheme (box 13). In case of errors, error number 3019 is set up - Taxable value must not be (numerically) greater than Gross value of the scheme.

When stated, the taxable value must be numerical. In case of errors, error number 3101 is set up - Amount must be numerical and must not be zero.

If Type (box 10) is 65 (IVÆ), 67 (LD), 77 (ATP) or 69 (SP), Taxable value may also be 0 or negative, otherwise Taxable value must be greater than or equal to 0. In case of errors, error number 3028 is set up - Taxable amount must be greater than or equal to zero.

If Taxable value is less than Gross value of the scheme (partial termination), Reason for termination must be 44 (however, not for LD, SP and ATP schemes and EFT and FLEX schemes). In case of errors, error number 3100 is set up - For partial termination, Reason for termination must be 44.

Box 15 - (C) Value on 31 December 1979 for contributions made before 1972

State the part of the total value of the pension scheme as at 31 December 1979 resulting from contributions made before 1 January 1972. The value on 31 December 1979 must, if declared, be numerical. In case of errors, error number 3123 is set up - Paid before 1972 is incorrect.

If Type (box 10) is 76 (DMP) or 77 (SP) and Reason for termination is 47, amounts paid before 1972 must, if declared, be equal to Gross value of the scheme (box 13). The value on 31 December 1979 must be less than DKK 15,001 (the 35 per cent limit). In case of errors, error number 3308 is set up - For voluntary SP, the 35 per cent amount is incorrect or not equal to the total value.

If Type (box 10) is 67 (LD), the amount paid before 1972 must, if declared, be numerical and greater than or equal to 0. In case of errors, error number 3123 is set up - Paid before 1972 is incorrect.

If Type (box 10) is 65 (IVÆ), 69 (ATP), 76 (DMP) or 77 (SP) and Reason for termination is 47, or 90 (EFT) or 92 (FLEX), Paid before 1972 must not be filled in. In case of errors, error number 3102 is set up - Paid before 1972 must not be filled in for the pension scheme type.

If Type (box 10) is 42 (RATE), 43 (INDEX), 44 (PENS), 45 (LIVR) or 48 (SUPPL), and Date of establishment is earlier than 1 January 1972, Paid before 1972 must be declared numerically and be greater than or equal to zero, otherwise, error number 3021 is set up - Declare Paid before 1972, balance as at 31 December 1979.

If the date of establishment is later than 31 December 1972, Paid before 1972 must be zero or empty. In case of errors, error number 3030 is set up - Paid before 1972, balance as at 31 December 1979 according to the date of establishment.

Box 16 - (D) Value on 31 December 1979 of contributions made in the period 1972-1979

State the value including interest and other increases in value up to 31 December 1979 resulting from contributions made to the pension scheme from 1 January 1972 up to 31 December 1979.

For indexed pension schemes with savings accounts, the part of the value of the pension scheme as at 31 December 1979 resulting from contributions falling due from 1 January 1972 up to 31 December 1979 must be stated, including any contributions concerning the year 1979 made after 31 December 1979 (= balance D).

If Type (box 10) is 65 (IVÆ), 67 (LD), 69 (ATP), SP (76), 90 (EFT) or 92 (FLEX), the amount paid in 1972-1979 must not be filled in. In case of errors, error number 3303 is set up - Paid 1972-79 must not be filled in for the pension scheme type.

If Type (box 10) is 42 (RATE), 43 (INDEX), 44 (PENS) or 48 (SUPPL) and the pension scheme was taken out after 31 December 1971 but before 1 January 1980, the contributions made in the period from 1972 to 1979 must be declared numerically and be greater than or equal to zero. In case of errors, error number 3022 is set up - Declare Paid 1972-79, balance as at 31 December 1979.

If Type (box 10) is 42 (RATE), 43 (INDEX), 44 (PENS), 45 (LIVR) or 48 (SUPPL) and Date of establishment is later than 31 December 1979, contributions made in the period 1972-79 must be zero if they are declared. In case of errors, error number 3128 is set up - Paid 1972-79, balance as at 31 December 1979 according to the date of establishment.

Box 17 - (E) Non-deducted contributions, see section 18(3), (4) and (5)

State the part of capital contributions and premium or contribution amounts which fell due after 1979 and which has not been deducted at the time of the tax liability arising.

When the tax liability arises for the entire pension scheme, the right to deductions for capital contributions and premium or contribution amounts lapses. When calculating the tax, deductions must therefore be made for any non-deducted amounts in the taxable amount. In case of partial termination, any non-deducted amounts must not be offset against the taxable amount.

The pension provider cannot calculate non-deducted amounts, but must request a statement from the taxable policyholder or the surviving spouse, if any, if it appears from the pension scheme that the contributions made to the scheme have not been fully deducted when the tax liability arises. The holder may contact the Tax Agency by logging on with MitID and writing to US.

If Type (box 10) is 65 (IVÆ), 67 (LD), 69 (ATP), 76 (SP), 90 (EFT) or 92 (FLEX)

Non-deducted contributions after 1979 must not be filled in. In case of errors, error number 3304 is set up - Non-deducted contributions after 1979 must not be filled in for the pension scheme type.

Non-deducted contributions after 1979 must, if declared, be numerical and greater than or equal to 0. Otherwise, error number 3126 is set up - Non-deducted contributions after 1979 must be numerical and greater than or equal to 0.

Box 17A - (F) Tax-free value that is disbursed

State the actual tax-free amount disbursed.

Tax-free payments made in the period 1 July 2021 to 31 December 2021 must be reported before 20 January 2022.

The amount, if reported, must be numerical and greater than 0. In case of errors, error number 3314 is set up - If reported, the tax-free payment must be numerical.  

The sum of the taxable value and the tax-free value must not be greater than the total value. In case of errors, error number 3315 is set up - The sum of taxable value and tax-free value must not be greater than the total value.  

The field is a message field used by the Danish Tax Agency for compliance check searches. This means that the message field does not have any relevance for completing the other fields in boxes 22-25. However, a zero (0) must be entered in case of a tax-free value payment only.

Regarding partial termination of annuity pensions etc., it appears from section 32(1) of the Pension Tax Act that if a partial payment takes place from the fifth income year before the income year when the pension holder reaches state pension age, the partial payment is considered to primarily be from the taxable part of the scheme. If a partial payment takes place before the fifth income year before the income year when the pension holder reaches state pension age, the partial payment is considered to primarily be from the tax-free part of the scheme.

In case of tax types (box 10) is 65 (IVÆ), 67 (LD), 69 (ATP) or 77 (SP), the tax-free value should not be entered. In case of errors, error number 3316 is set up - Tax-free payment must not be selected in case of tax types 65, 67, 69, 77, 90 or 92.

Box 18 - Tax calculation (full termination)

General information on tax calculation

Prior to the tax calculation, the taxable amount must be rounded down to the nearest amount in Danish kroner (DKK) divisible by 100. In the case of index-linked contracts, the rounding-down rule shall apply to each index-linked contract.

If Type (box 10) is 65 (IVÆ), Tax rate must be 60. In case of errors, error number 3136 is set up - Tax rate must be 60.

If Tax rate is not to be filled in, error number 3137 is set up - Tax rate must only be filled in for business start-up accounts.

Regarding 2013, 2014 and 2015

Boxes 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 and 25
The boxes for supplementary one-off disbursement in 2013, 2014 and 2015

If a supplementary one-off disbursement is transferred to a supplementary lump sum under section 29 A(1) of the Pension Tax Act, or if the supplementary one-off disbursement is disbursed in time, the tax in 2013, 2014 and 2015 is calculated at 37.3 per cent. In case of early disbursement in 2013, 2014 and 2015, the tax rate is 49.84 per cent.

If part of the total value of the pension scheme was paid before 1 January 1972 or was paid between 1 January 1972 and 31 December 1979, reduced tax rates for the 25 per cent and 35 per cent tax rate are applied, 23.31 per cent and 32.63 per cent respectively.

If a transfer or timely disbursement is made in 2016 and subsequent years, the tax rate is 40 per cent. If early disbursement is made in 2015 and subsequent years, the tax rate is 52 per cent.

Regarding 2016 and subsequent years

Boxes 18 and 22

The boxes for supplementary one-off disbursement in 2016 and subsequent years
If a supplementary one-off disbursement is transferred to a supplementary lump sum under section 29 A(1) of the Pension Tax Act, or if the supplementary one-off disbursement is disbursed in time, the tax in 2016 and subsequent years is calculated at 40 per cent.

In case of early disbursement in 2016 and subsequent years, the tax rate is 52 per cent.

In case of errors, error number 3043 is set up - Tax calculated incorrectly.

Boxes 18-21 - Full termination

Boxes 18-21 must be used in connection with full termination of a pension scheme.

If the pension scheme is fully terminated without exceptions (box 12), the tax rate is 60 per cent. The tax is stated in box 18. However, there is a 52 per cent tax on a supplementary one-off disbursement.

If the pension scheme was taken out before 1 January 1972, the tax rate is 25 per cent of the value as at 31 December 1979 of the contributions made before 1 January 1972. This tax is stated in box 21.

If one of the exceptions in box 12 have been met, the tax rate is 40 per cent. The tax is stated in box 19.

If contributions have been made to the pension scheme in the period 1972-1979, the tax rate is 35 per cent of the value of contributions as at 31 December 1979. The tax is stated in box 20.

If the pension scheme was taken out before 1 January 1972, the tax rate is 25 per cent of the value as at 31 December 1979 of the contributions made before 1 January 1972. This tax is stated in box 21.

In case of errors, error number 3043 is set up - Tax calculated incorrectly.

Indexed pension schemes

If the pension scheme is an indexed pension scheme, the following tax calculation is applicable.

If B is higher than C D

(The taxable value is greater than Value as at 31 December 1979 of contributions before 1972 Value as at 31 December 1979 of contributions 1972-1979)
25 per cent of C
35 per cent of D
40 per cent of B-C-D

If B is lower than C

(The taxable value is lower than Value as at 31 December 1979 of contributions before 1972)
25 per cent of B

If B is lower than C D

(The taxable value is lower than Value as at 31 December 1979 of contributions before 1972 Value as at 31 December 1979 of contributions 1972-1979)
25 per cent of C
35 per cent of the rest of the termination balance (B-C) (Taxable value - Value as at 31 December 1979 of contributions before 1972)

In case of errors, error number 3043 is set up - Tax calculated incorrectly.

Boxes 22-25 - Partial termination

The boxes 22-25 must be used in connection with partial termination of a pension scheme.

If the pension scheme is partially terminated without exceptions (box 12), the tax rate is 60 per cent. The tax is stated in box 22.

If the pension scheme was taken out before 1 January 1972, the tax rate is 25 per cent of the value as at 31 December 1979 of the contributions made before 1 January 1972. This tax is stated in box 25.

If the pension scheme is partially terminated with exceptions (box 12), the tax rate is 40 per cent. The tax is stated in box 23. If contributions have been made to the pension scheme in the years 1972-1979, the tax rate is 35 per cent of the value of contributions as at 31 December 1979, and is stated in box 24.

If the pension scheme was taken out before 1 January 1972, the tax rate is 25 per cent of the value as at 31 December 1979 of the contributions made before 1 January 1972. This tax is stated in box 25.

In case of errors, error number 3043 is set up - Tax calculated incorrectly.

Box 26 - Amount for settlement

The sum of the tax amounts from boxes 18 to 21 or 22 to 25 is stated here.

Tax calculations are made with amounts in Danish 'øre'. The sum in box 26 is rounded down to the nearest full amount in Danish kroner.

The amount for settlement must have been declared and must be numerical.

The amount for settlement must be greater than or equal to 0. In case of errors, error number 3020 is set up - Amount for settlement must be numerical and greater than or equal to zero.

Box 27 - This notification replaces the previous form.
Date of disbursement and previously settled tax must be stated

Only to be filled in in cases where the tax form previously submitted was inadequate or incorrect. In this case, the date of the disbursement of the pension scheme must be stated. The amount of tax settled on the form previously submitted must also be stated.