Box 1 - Notifier

State the name, postal address, telephone number and contact person of the pension provider where the pension scheme is registered at the time when the tax liability arises.

Box 1 - Telephone number

State the direct telephone number of the pension provider’s contact person.

Box 2 - Recipient

The recipient is the Tax Agency.

Box 3 - CVR number or SE number

State the bank or the pension provider’s CVR number or SE number. The number used must be registered with Erhvervsstyrelsen (the Danish Business Authority) for duty to declare pension tax.

The SE number may also be from a foreign pension provider approved under section 15C of the Pension Tax Act.

The date of establishment for foreign pensions cannot be earlier than 1 January 2006.

In case of missing declaration or errors, error number 3071 is set up - SE number unknown or incorrect.

Box 3A - Pension scheme number

State the pension scheme number approved (in Denmark). The box is only relevant for pension providers registered in an EU/EEA member state other than Denmark and which are approved under section 15C of the Pension Tax Act.

The date of establishment for foreign pension schemes cannot be earlier than 1 January 2006. In case of errors, error number 3220 is set up - Date of establishment for foreign pension schemes cannot be earlier than 1 January 2006.
If the approved foreign pension provider does not declare the number of the pension scheme, error number 3254 is set up - Foreign business - pension scheme number missing.

Box 4 - Name and address of the taxable person

State the holder’s name and address.

Is only to be completed if there is no civil registration number for the holder.

If the holder is deceased, a distinction must be made between the beneficiaries of the holder and the persons named as beneficiaries of the pension scheme.

If the holder is deceased, ‘Estate after’ and the deceased’s name and latest address are stated.

Beneficiaries are entitled to disbursement and are independent taxable persons. This appears from section 38(1) of the Pension Tax Act. Therefore, a tax calculation for each beneficiary must be made.

When distributing pension assets after the division of a joint estate, the receiving spouse will be liable to tax on the distributed part. It is therefore the name and address of the receiving spouse that should be stated. See section 30(2) of the Danish Pension Tax Act.

Box 5 - Civil registration number

State the pension holder’s civil registration number (CPR number), which must contain 10 digits (numerical). In the event of death, the civil registration number of the deceased is stated - not the civil registration numbers of the beneficiaries.

When distributing pension assets after the division of a joint estate, the receiving spouse will be liable to tax on the distributed part. It is therefore the name and address of the receiving spouse that should be stated. See section 30(2) of the Danish Pension Tax Act.

In case of missing statement or errors, error number 3013 is set up - CPR number incorrect or missing.

If the pension holder does not have a CPR number, the form must be submitted manually to the Tax Agency. Write to the Danish Tax Agency stating ‘Disbursement of pension - Pension Tax Act manual’ in the subject field.

Box 6 - Policy/membership/account number

State the policy, membership, registration or account number.

If there are several accounts under the same pension scheme, the additional account numbers must be stated in the form under ‘Other comments’.

If it is a positive change in relation to declarations previously submitted, state ‘RET’ (correct) in this box in front of the policy, membership, registration or account number.

Negative corrections and a request for a refund of tax must be sent separately to the Tax Agency. Write to the Danish Tax Agency stating ‘Refund of tax’ in the subject field.

In case of missing statement or errors, error number 3002 is set up - Account number or policy number missing.

Box 7 - Date of establishment (DD MM YYYY)

State the date of establishment of the pension scheme, which must be valid and earlier than or equal to today’s date.

  • Pension schemes with insurance companies: The date on which the final agreement about the scheme was concluded. The final agreement is not concluded until an agreement between the policyholder and the pension provider has been finally concluded or, for employer-administered schemes, when the agreements between the insured, the policyholder and the pension provider have been finally concluded.
  • Pension schemes with banks: The date on which the first contribution to the scheme was made according to the agreement concluded.
  • Transferred terminated pension scheme: The original date of establishment, if the terminated pension scheme has been transferred from another pension scheme.
    The date must always be stated numerically in the DD MM YYYY format.
    In case of missing statement or errors, set up the following error numbers:
  • Error number 3014 - Date of establishment is not valid; or
  • Error number 3016 - Date of establishment is not earlier than or equal to today’s date.
    The date of establishment for foreign pension schemes cannot be earlier than 1 January 2006. In case of errors, error number 3220 is set up - Date of establishment for foreign pension schemes cannot be earlier than 1 January 2006.

Box 8 - Date of disbursement (DD MM YYYY)

State the date of the disbursement or the transfer to a new old-age pension scheme, when the date of the tax liability arises due to age, or when it became known that the tax liability had arisen. As a general rule, the tax liability arises on the date of disbursement.

The date must be indicated numerically in the DD MM YYYY format. The date must be valid and later than the date of establishment (box 7) and later than 12 December 1988 and earlier than or equal to today’s date plus 7 days.

In case of missing statement or errors, set up one of the following error numbers:

  • Error number 3003 - Date of disbursement must be later than the date of establishment;
  • Error number 3065 - Date of disbursement must be later than 31 December 1988;
  • Error number 3017 - Disbursement date error; or
  • Error number 3124 - Date of disbursement must not be later than today’s date plus 7 days.


If the tax liability is due to a transaction or change in contravention of the provisions of the Pension Tax Act, the tax liability arises on the date on which the transaction or the change was agreed with binding effect (box 10, case 21). The tax must be settled one month at the latest after the pension provider has been informed of the transaction or the change. In this case, the date of awareness must be stated.

Box 9 - Case 1 - Personal pension scheme

Please tick here if the pension scheme is a personal pension scheme.

Only the status of the pension scheme at the time the tax liability arises is decisive.

Box 9 - Case 2 - Employer-administered pension scheme

Please tick here if the pension scheme is an employer-administered pension scheme.

Only the status of the pension scheme at the time the tax liability arises is decisive.

If a holder has several pension schemes, e.g. both a personal and an employer-administered pension scheme, the schemes must be declared on separate forms.

Box 10 - Tax liability arising

Please tick the relevant box, regardless of whether the pension scheme has been partially or fully terminated.

The reason for termination must be 01-11 or 20-21 (inclusive).

In cases 1-11, 40 per cent tax is payable, and in cases 20-21, 52 per cent tax is payable.

In case of errors, error number 3026 is set up - Reason for termination is missing or incorrect.

Box 10 - Case 6: Disbursement after the death of the holder, see section 25(1) para (6) of the Pension Tax Act

Please tick here if disbursement is made after the death of the holder.

In case of errors, error number 3005 is set up - Person is not dead.

Box 10 - Case 8: Disbursement to separated or divorced spouse and where they have not become the holder, see section 25(1) para (8) of the Pension Tax Act

Please tick here when disbursement is made according to the terms of disbursement in relation to the distributed part of a pension savings scheme to a separated or divorced spouse under section 30(2) of the Pension Tax Act and where this spouse has not become the holder.

Box 10 - Case 9: Disbursement under the transitional provisions laid down in the Pension Tax Act, see section 27(1) paras (1), (3) and (5) of the Act

The transitional provisions laid down in section 27(1) paras (1) and (3) of the Pension Tax Act for pension schemes taken out before 1972.

Re no. 1: The employment was not terminated until after the age of 70.

Re no. 3: The employee resigned from the relevant employer before the age of 60.

Box 10 - Case 11: Transfer to a new old-age pension scheme, see section 25(1) para (9) of the Pension Tax Act

Valid as of 2013.

Please tick here if the tax liability arises as a result of a transfer to a new old-age savings scheme or old-age pension insurance, see section 25(1) para (9).

Box 10 - Case 20: Disbursement at premature termination of the pension scheme

Please tick here if the pension scheme is terminated prematurely and is not covered by the other cases.

Box 10 - Case 21: Disposal of the pension scheme as set out in section 30(1) and (7) of the Pension Tax Act or changes as set out in section 31

A transaction is, for example, transfer of or borrowing against the pension scheme. A change can, for example, be the naming of a beneficiary who is not in compliance with the statutory requirements.

Boxes 11-17 - Statement of value

Boxes A to G must be completed with the values at the time when the tax liability has arisen.

When managing partial termination of capital pensions, it appears from section 2(1) of the Pension Tax Act that partial payments of capital pensions are primarily considered to be from the tax-free part of the scheme regardless of the age of the pension holder.

Previous disbursements from the pension scheme must be deducted at specified values.

The reason for termination must be 01-11 or 20-21 inclusive. In case of errors, error number 3026 is set up - Reason for termination missing or incorrect.

Box 11 (A) - The total gross value of the pension scheme

State the taxable value of the account(s) including interest and other increases in value at the time of the tax liability arising.

The gross value of the pension scheme must be numerical and greater than 0.

In case of errors, error number 3036 is set up - Gross value of the pension scheme must be numerical and greater than zero.

Box 12 (B) - Taxable value

Fully terminated

State the taxable value of the pension scheme, i.e. A ‘Total value of the pension scheme’.

Partially terminated

State the actual amount withdrawn. If the taxable amount is lower than DKK 100, no tax is payable.

The taxable value is the value of the pension scheme after the tax on the yields from the pension scheme has been finally assessed and deducted from the scheme (Positive PAL) or added to the scheme (Negative PAL).

The value of the pension scheme must always be greater than 0. Otherwise, error number 3028 is set up - Taxable amount must be greater than zero.

The taxable value must be less than or equal to Gross value of the pension scheme (box 11). In case of errors, error number 3019 is set up - Taxable value must not be greater than Gross value of the pension scheme.

If Taxable value is less than Gross value of the pension scheme (partial termination), and Reason for termination is 6 (death), error number 3117 is set up - For Reason of termination 6, no partial termination must take place.

Box 13 (C) - Value on 31 December 1979

Pension schemes taken out before 1 January 1980
This box is only filled in in cases where the holder had not been granted early retirement pension or had reached the age of 60 on 31 December 1979.

The box must always be filled in if the value of the tax liability is calculated on 31 December 1979 due to the transitional tax rules.

The value of the account on 31 December 1979 is to be determined with securities at market value on 31 December 1979. If the value in box 13 (C) is greater than the value in box 11 (A) at the time of termination, the value from box 11 (A) must be stated in box 13 (C).

When stated, the value must be numerical and greater than or equal to 0. In case of errors, error number 3129 is set up - Value as at 31 December 1979 must be numerical and greater than or equal to 0.

If Date of establishment (box 7) is before 1 January 1980, the value as at 31 December 1979 must be declared. In case of errors, error number 3075 is set up - Value as at 31 December 1979 must be declared.

If Date of establishment (box 7) is after 31 December 1979, the value must be zero in the box for the value in box 13 (C). In case of errors, error number 3076 is set up - Value as at 31 December 1979 must only be declared as 0.

Box 14 (D) - Employee contributions made before 1 January 1972

Please state the part of the value in box 13 (C) which concerns the employee’s own contributions made before 1 January 1972, including interest and other increases in value calculated on 31 December 1979.

When stated, the amount must be numerical and greater than or equal to 0. In case of errors, error number 3130 is set up - Resulting from contributions before 1972 must be numerical and greater than or equal to 0.

If the pension schemes were taken out after 31 December 1971, the amount must be empty or 0. In case of errors, error number 3064 is set up - Resulting from contributions before 1972 must not be declared.

If the amount, once declared, is less than or equal to the Value on 31 December 1979 (box 13), error number 3077 is set up - State Resulting from contributions before 1972 lower or equal to the value as at 31 December 1979.

Box 15 (E) - Increase in value in D after 31 December 1979

Only state the value for the cases where the holder had not been granted early retirement pension or had reached the age of 60 on 31 December 1979.

State interest on and other increases in value after 31 December 1979 of the employee’s own contributions made before 1 January 1972 and until the time when the tax liability arises.

Apply interest rate of 14.91 per cent at the calculation of interest on the employee’s own contributions in the period from 31 December 1971 to 31 December 1979. The interest rate corresponds to the average for this period of the Copenhagen Stock Exchange’s total bond average at the end of each year.

When stated, the amount must be numerical and greater than or equal to 0. In case of errors, error number 3131 is set up - Increase in value after 31 December 1979 must be numerical and greater than or equal to 0.

If the amount comes from contributions before 1972 (box 14), which is empty or zero, the amount must also be empty or zero. In case of errors, error number 3031 is set up - Resulting from contributions before 1972 and Increase in growth after 31 December 1979 must not be greater than zero.

If the amount resulting from contributions before 1972 (box 14) is greater than zero, the amount must be greater than or equal to zero. In case of errors, error number 3078 is set up - Resulting from contributions from before 1972 and Increase in growth after 31 December 1979 must be greater than zero.

Box 16 (F) - Original capital insurance resulting from contributions before 1972

Cases 20 and 21:

If the pension scheme with an insurance company was taken out before 1 January 1972, state the part of the contributions made before 1 January 1972, including the increases in value up to 31 December 1979.

Two forms must be completed for the tax calculation if an original capital insurance and an original capital savings scheme have been combined by transfer, and at least one of the schemes was taken out before 1 January 1972. One form must be completed for the transferred scheme, whereas another form must be completed for the original scheme and the increase in growth after the combination.

If the date of establishment (box 7) is later than 31 December 1971, the amount must be empty or zero. In case of errors, error number 3080 is set up - Resulting from contributions before 1972 must not be declared.

If the date of establishment (box 7) is earlier than 1 January 1972, the amount, if declared, must be numerical and greater than or equal to 0. In case of errors, error number 3132 is set up - Resulting from contributions before 1972 must be numerical and greater than or equal to 0.

If the reason for termination (box 10) is greater than 19, the amount, if declared, must be lower than or equal to the value on 31 December 1979 (box 13) and greater than or equal to Resulting from contributions from before 1972 (box 14). In case of errors, error number 3081 is set up - Contributed amount must be lower than Value on 31 December 1979 and greater than Resulting from contributions from before 1972.

Box 17 (G) - Original capital savings scheme - Employee contributions made before 1972 in excess of DKK 350 per year

Cases 20 and 21 

In the case of a pension scheme taken out with a bank before 1 January 1972, state the sum of the part of the employee’s own contributions which exceeds DKK 350 per year in the period before 1 January 1972.

If the pension scheme is not taken out at the beginning of the year, the amount of DKK 350 for the year of establishment must be reduced in this way:

The number of months that the pension scheme has existed x DKK 350 / 12 months.

The amount must, if declared, be numerical and greater than or equal to 0, otherwise error 3133 is set up - Employee contributions before 1972 greater then 350 must be numerical and greater than or equal to 0.

If the Date of establishment (box 7) is after 31 December 1971, the amount must be empty or 0. In case of errors, error number 3134 is set up - Employee contributions before 1972 greater than 350 must not be declared.

If the amount is stated and is greater than Value on 31 December 1979, error number 3077 is set up - State employee contributions before 1972 greater than 350 and lower than Value as at 31 December 1979.

Only one of the fields of Employee contributions before 1972 (box 17) greater than DKK 350 per year or Resulting from contributions before 1972 (box 16) must be declared as greater than 0. In case of errors, error number 3079 is set up - Only one of the amounts from Resulting from contributions before 1972 and Employee contributions before 1972 must be declared.

Box 17A - (H) - Tax-free value that is partially disbursed

State the actual tax-free amount withdrawn.

Tax-free payments in the period 1 July 2021 to 31 December 2021 must be reported before 20 January 2022.

The amount, if reported, must be numerical and greater than 0. In case of errors, error number 3314 is set up - If reported, the tax-free payment must be numerical.  

The sum of the taxable value and the tax-free value cannot be greater than the total value. In case of errors, error number 3315 is set up - The sum of taxable value and tax-free value cannot be greater than the total value.  

The field is a message field used by the Danish Tax Agency for compliance check searches. This means that the message field does not have any relevance for completing the other fields in boxes 22-25. However, a zero (0) must be entered in case of a tax-free value payment only.

Regarding partial termination of annuity pensions etc., it appears from section 32(1) of the Pension Tax Act that if a partial payment takes place from the fifth income year before the income year when the pension holder reaches state pension age, the partial payment is considered to be primarily from the taxable part of the scheme. If a partial payment takes place before the fifth income year before the income year when the pension holder reaches state pension age, the partial payment is considered to be primarily from the tax-free part of the scheme.

In case of tax types (box 10) is 65 (IVÆ), 67 (LD), 69 (ATP) or 77 (SP), the tax-free value should not be entered. In case of errors, error number 3316 is set up - Tax-free payment must not be selected in case of tax types 65, 67, 69, 77, 90 or 92.

Boxes 18-22 Tax calculation

Prior to the calculation of tax, the taxable amount must be rounded down to the nearest amount in Danish kroner (DKK) divisible by 100.

Box 18 - 40 per cent

Cases 1-10 - From 2013 Cases 1-11

State 40 per cent of the taxable value (B); however, of A-C-E at the most (Value of the pension scheme - Value on 31 December 1979 - Increase of D after 31 December 1979).

If an LD savings scheme (Lønmodtagernes Dyrtidsfond / Employees’ Capital Pension Fund) transferred before 14 August 2012 is included, tax is payable at 40 per cent. Form 07.050 (P31) must be used for the employee part (enter ‘LD’ in the comments field).

Box 19 - 25 per cent

Cases 1-10 - From 2013 Cases 1-11

If the taxable value (B) is greater than A-C-E (Value of the pension scheme - Value on 31 December 1979 - Increase of D after 31 December 1979), 25 per cent is payable of the taxable value (B) - (A-C-E); however, of C-D at the most (Value as at 31 December 1979 - Value resulting from employee contributions made before 1972).

Box 20

Cases 20-21 - Pension scheme taken out with insurance company

The following percentages are stated for the mentioned income years.


60 per cent of the taxable value (B); however, of A-E-F at the most (Total value of the pension scheme - the increase of D after 31 December 1979 - original capital insurance resulting from contributions before 1972).

2013, 2014 and 2015

49.84 per cent of the taxable value (B); however, of A-E-F at the most. (Total value of the pension scheme - increase of D after 31 December 1979 - original capital insurance resulting from contributions before 1972).

From 2016

52 per cent of B; however, of A-E-F at the most. (Total value of the pension scheme - increase of D after 31 December 1979 - original capital insurance resulting from contributions before 1972).

Box 21

If the taxable value (B) is greater than A-E-F, the 25 per cent of B-(A-E-F) is stated here (Total value of the pension scheme - the increase of D after 31 December 1979 - original capital insurance. Resulting from contributions before 1972; however, of F-D at the most (Original capital insurance. Resulting from contributions made before 1972 - Resulting from employee contributions made before 1972).

Box 22

Cases 20-21 - Pension schemes taken out with banks

The following percentages are stated for the mentioned income years.


60 per cent of the taxable value (B); however, of A-G at the most (Total value of the pension scheme - Original capital savings scheme. Employee contributions from payments in excess of DKK 350 per year).

2013, 2014 and 2015

49.84 per cent of the taxable value (B); however, of A-G at the most (Total value of the pension scheme - Original capital savings scheme. Employee contributions from payments in excess of DKK 350 per year).

From 2016

52 per cent of the taxable value (B); however, of A-G at the most (Total value of the pension scheme - Original capital savings scheme. Employee contributions from payments in excess of DKK 350 per year).

Box 23

The sum of the tax amounts from boxes 18 and 19 or 20 and 21 (pension schemes with insurance companies) and the tax amount in box 22, respectively, must be stated here.

Tax calculations are made with amounts in Danish 'øre'. The sum in box 23 is rounded down to the nearest full amount in Danish kroner.

The amount declared must be greater than or equal to zero. In case of errors, error number 3020 is set up - Amount for settlement must be greater than or equal to zero.

Box 24

The box is only filled in in cases where the tax form previously submitted has been inadequate or incorrect. In this case, the date of the disbursement of the pension scheme must be stated. The amount of tax settled on the form previously submitted must also be stated.  

In case of missing statement or errors, error number 3004 is set up - Pension scheme type must be declared as 1 or 2.