This is a guide to the required registration of certificates, roles and rights before submission of data to the Tax Agency via the Web service (REST API). It is a prerequisite that your business is registered, and that you are registered for reporting of income from sharing economy activities.


1. Introduction to the guide
2. Guide for the reporter
2.1 Registering business certificates (UID)
2.2 Creating rights groups
2.3 Assigning rights group to business certificate (UID)

1. Introduction to the guide

The guide describes how to prepare for reporting by registering certificates, roles and rights.
Reporting via Web service (REST API) is not possible if the correct registrations have not been made.

2. Guide for the reporter

2.1 Registering business certificates (UID)

How to register your business certificate (UID):

1. Go to and log on as a business
2. In the left menu under E-tax for businesses, Profile will open
3. Click ‘Tildel medarbejder rettigheder’ (Assign employee rights)
4. Select ‘Tildel/fjern rettigheder, der anvendes i system-til-system løsninger’ (Assign/remove rights used in system-to-system solutions)

5. Select ‘Ny systembruger’ (New system user)
6. Fill in the UID code from the certificate, and click ‘Gem’ (Save)

2.2 Creating rights groups

After registration, the business certificate must be associated with a rights group.

First, create a rights group, and then link a certificate to the rights group.

The relevant rights for reporting income from sharing economy activities are shown in the table below.

The business is automatically assigned both rights, but must then assign the rights that match the business certificate. The certificate may have both of the following rights/agreements:

Right Agreement
Right to perform the reporting View reports of rental income
Right to read/view previous reports View reports of rental income

Now create a rights group:

1. Select ‘Gruppér rettigheder’ (Group rights)
2. Click ‘Ny rolle for egen virksomhed’ (New role for own business)

3. Name the rights group according to your internal routines.
    Click ‘Fortsæt’ (Continue). In this example, we use the name ‘Example Sharing Economy’

4. In the ‘CVR/SE nr.’ field, select the SE no. that is exactly the same as your CVR no.
  (This field appears only if you have multiple SE nos.)
5. In the ‘Domæne’ (Domain) field, select ‘Deleøkonomi’ (Sharing economy).
    Click ‘Vælg domæne’ (Select domain).
6. In the ‘Rettighed’ (Right) field, select the rights (‘Indberetning af udlejningsindtægt’ (Reporting of rental income) and ‘Se indberetninger af udlejningsindtægt’ (View reports of rental income)) to be assigned to the group.
    Select multiple rights at the same time by holding down the Shift button.
    Click ‘Vælg Rettighed’ (Select right).

It is important that you have control over which rights groups you choose, because there is a risk that the business certificate will have rights that it is not authorised for.

7. Click ‘Gem’ (Save).
    The rights group has now been created.

If you do not see the obligations that your business has signed up for with the Danish Business Authority, please contact the Tax Agency at or on +45 72 38 02 10.

2.3 Assigning rights group to business certificate (UID)

How to assign rights to a business certificate (UID):

1. In E-tax for businesses, select ‘Tildel medarbejder rettigheder’ (Assign employee rights) under Profile.
2. Select ‘Tildel/fjern rettigheder, der anvendes i system-til-system løsninger’ (Assign/remove rights used in system-to-system solutions).

3. Click ‘Rettigheder’ (Rights) next to the UID code to which you are assigning rights.

4. In the ‘Mulige rettigheder’ (Available rights) field, select the rights to be assigned (those that were created in section 2.2 - in our example, the role ‘Example Sharing Economy’.

Click ‘Vælg rettighed’ (Select right) and then ‘Gem’ (Save).