It is possible to see the status of reports for a given year or for a specific lessor’s report. This is done by calling an endpoint with the same URL syntax as when the reporting was made. See the syntax in appendix 1 - Technical requirements under ‘Web service and URL’. However, the URL must be followed by ‘statuses’. If you would like to see a status for the full year and not for a specific report for a person, ‘filingReference’ should not be included.

Example of a call for the status of all reports for a platform for a given year in production:${your platformId}/years/2022/vehicle-filing-statuses

The host name will vary if you want to see a status for the FKT test environment or for the TFE (test for business). See the host names in appendix 1 - Technical requirements under ‘Web service and URL’. The above is an example of a status of vehicle reports.

If you wish to see the status of a specific report for a lessor, ‘filingReference’ must be included, as this number indicates which report you are requesting.

Example of a call for the status of a specific report in production:${platformId}/years/2022/vehicle-filing-statuses/${filingRef}