We make an independent testing system TFE (test for business) available for all reporters. Here, you can test, validate and report with production data without making an actual report. Read more about the TFE in appendix 7 - TFE test system (test for business).

The purpose of the test system is that businesses that make system-to-system integration can test their system in the TFE environment via the Web service (REST API).

The TFE is a production environment, which means that you can test with production data. However, you are also encouraged to test with test data, e.g. non-existent addresses, addresses unrelated to the specific individual, addresses with spelling errors, etc., so that you can see the feedback on the data and understand the structure of reported data.

In the TFE, you must use ‘real’ people with ‘real’ CPR numbers. Therefore, under the GDPR and the Danish Data Protection Act (Databeskyttelsesloven), you are responsible for contacting users and obtaining consent from people who are ready to act as test persons, see Articles 6 and 7 of the GDPR. 

A CPR number must be treated as special personal data, as set out in the Data Protection Act. Private businesses may process CPR numbers when the conditions laid down in section 7 of the Data Protection Act are met (section 7 sets out the conditions for the processing of sensitive personal data under the GDPR).

According to the Act, private individuals are entitled to process data about CPR numbers when: 
- it follows from the legislation
- the data subjects have given their consent in accordance with Articles 6 and 7 of the GDPR.

These individuals must go through the process for the unique identification code in the TFE environment to obtain a unique identification code for their CPR number. This is the identification code that the platform can use in its test reporting. These data will be kept by the Customs and Tax Administration for 30 days, but are not transferred to external systems such as the tax assessment notice, as is the case in production during the final reporting. Therefore, the reporting for the test subjects must be made again in ‘production’ in order for lessors to obtain their deduction. This also means that test subjects must go through the flow for the unique identification code again in production.

The TFE is the closest you get to production, which is why the TFE requires production certificates rather than test certificates. Non-Danish platforms must use the Extended Validation Certificate.