Dato for udgivelse
14 Nov 2012 08:40

As something new, SKAT has made an instructional video in English about the preliminary income assessment. The video is intended to help English speaking taxpayers in Denmark change their preliminary income assessments for 2013.

On 7 November, taxpayers could check their new preliminary income assessments for 2013 in their personal tax folders. Everyone will usually need to change their preliminary income assessments if there have been any major changes in their personal circumstances since the start of the last tax year.It is a good idea to check at the same time that the figures stated in the preliminary income assessment for 2012 are correct.

See the video:

The press may download, and use the video freely on other websites, here

SKATs instructional video, which is now available in English, will explain you how and when to change your preliminary income assessment.

Further information:

For the press:0SKAT's Press Office, tel. 72 37 09 00
For citizens: tel. 72 22 18 18

For technical assistance: Morten Jacobsen, tel. 72 37 83 65