Pension savings accounts under sections 12, 13 and 42 of the Danish Pension Tax Act (PBL)

Field 101

Tax base prior to reduction under section 10(1) of PAL

The total tax base must be stated. This is calculated by adding up each individual client's separately determined tax base. Please note that only pension savings accounts with a positive tax base in the income year are included in field 101.

Pension savings accounts in respect of which foreign tax has been carried forward under section 20(3) of PAL are also deemed to be accounts with a positive tax base. These accounts are therefore also included in the determination of the amounts in field 101.

The tax base includes all types of asset returns.

Field 102

Reduction under section 10(1) of PAL

The total reduction amount must be stated, corresponding to the sum of the separately determined reduction amounts under section 10(1) of PAL for each individual client's savings scheme under section 1 of PAL. However, the reduction amount must be stated only for pension savings accounts with a positive tax base in the income year in field 102. This does not, however, apply to pension schemes in respect of which foreign tax has been carried forward for offsetting under section 20(3) of PAL.  

When calculating the reduction under section 10(1) of PAL, the individual client's pension savings accounts of a given nature with the bank are considered as a whole, provided, however, that the pension savings accounts in question have been established pursuant to the Danish Pension Tax Act (Pensionsbeskatningsloven) PBL)).

The reduction amount is calculated - for each individual client's scheme of a given type - by multiplying the tax base pursuant to PAL by the balance at the end of 1982, see, however, the provision set out in section 10(5) of PAL, and by dividing this result by the balance in the income year.

If the value of the pension scheme at the end of the income year - due to partial disbursement (running disbursements) - is lower than the value of the pension scheme as at 31 December 1982, and if the partial disbursement exceeds the increase in the account after 1 January 1983, the value of the pension scheme as at 31 December 1982 is reduced by an amount corresponding to the difference between the disbursement and the increase in the account after 1 January 1983, see section 10(5) of PAL.

The same method is applied in connection with partial termination, if any, of a pension scheme.

Field 103

Tax base

The sum of the taxable part of the tax base of the individual account types must be stated, determined as follows

  • field 101 minus field 102

The field is calculated automatically in E-tax (TastSelv).

Field 178

Negative tax as at 31 December in the income year to be carried forward

The unused negative tax determined as at 31 December in the income year which can be carried forward for deduction from the positive tax in subsequent income years pursuant to PAL must be stated. 


Instalment savings accounts under sections 11A, 15A and 15B of the PBL 

Field 201

Tax base prior to reduction under section 10(1) of PAL

The total tax base must be stated. This is calculated by adding up each individual client's separately determined tax base. Please note that only pension savings accounts with a positive tax base in the income year are included in field 201.

Pension savings accounts in respect of which foreign tax has been carried forward under section 20(3) of PAL are also deemed to be accounts with a positive tax base. These accounts are therefore also included in the determination of the amounts in field 201.

The tax base includes all types of asset returns.

Field 202

Reduction under section 10(1) of PAL

The total reduction amount must be stated, corresponding to the sum of the separately determined reduction amounts under section 10(1) of PAL for each individual client's savings scheme under section 1 of PAL. However, the reduction amount must be stated only for pension savings accounts with a positive tax base in the income year in field 202. This does not, however, apply to pension schemes in respect of which foreign tax has been carried forward for offsetting under section 20(3) of PAL.  

When calculating the reduction under section 10(1) of PAL, the individual client's pension savings accounts of a given nature with the bank are considered as a whole, provided, however, that the pension savings accounts in question have been established pursuant to the Danish Pension Tax Act (Pensionsbeskatningsloven) PBL)).

The reduction amount is calculated - for each individual client's scheme of a given type - by multiplying the tax base pursuant to PAL by the balance at the end of 1982, see., however, the provision set out in section 10(5) of PAL, and by dividing this result by the balance in the income year.

If the value of the pension scheme at the end of the income year - due to partial disbursement (running disbursements) - is lower than the value of the pension scheme as at 31 December 1982, and if the partial disbursement exceeds the increase in the account after 1 January 1983, the value of the pension scheme as at 31 December 1982 is reduced by an amount corresponding to the difference between the disbursement and the increase in the account after 1 January 1983, see section 10(5) of PAL.

The same method is applied in connection with partial termination, if any, of a pension scheme.

Field 203

Tax base 

The sum of the taxable part of the tax base of the individual account types must be stated, determined as follows

  • field 201 minus field 202

The field is calculated automatically in E-tax (TastSelv).

Field 278 

Negative tax as at 31 December in the income year to be carried forward

The unused negative tax determined as at 31 December in the income year which can be carried forward for deduction from the positive tax in subsequent income years  pursuant to PAL must be stated. 



Pension accounts under section 51 etc. of PBL

Field 301

Tax base prior to reduction under section 10(1) of PAL

The total tax base must be stated. This is calculated by adding up each individual client's separately determined tax base. Please note that only pension savings accounts with a positive tax base in the income year are included in field 301.

Pension savings accounts in respect of which foreign tax has been carried forward under section 20(3) of PAL are also deemed to be accounts with a positive tax base. These accounts are therefore also included in the determination of the amounts in field 301.

The tax base includes all types of asset returns.

Field 302 

Reduction under section 10(1) of PAL

The total reduction amount must be stated, corresponding to the sum of the separately determined reduction amounts under section 10(1) of PAL for each individual client's savings scheme under section 1 of PAL. However, the reduction amount must be stated only for pension savings accounts with a positive tax base in the income year in field 102. This does not, however, apply to pension schemes in respect of which foreign tax has been carried forward for offsetting under section 20(3) of PAL.  

When calculating the reduction under section 10(1) of PAL, the individual client's pension savings accounts of a given nature with the bank are considered as a whole, provided, however, that the pension savings accounts in question have been established pursuant to the Danish Pension Tax Act (Pensionsbeskatningsloven) PBL)).

The reduction amount is calculated - for each individual client's scheme of a given type - by multiplying the tax base pursuant to PAL by the balance at the end of 1982, see., however, the provision set out in section 10(5) of PAL, and by dividing this result by the balance in the income year.

If the value of the pension scheme at the end of the income year - due to partial disbursement (running disbursements) - is lower than the value of the pension scheme as at 31 December 1982, and if the partial disbursement exceeds the increase in the account after 1 January 1983, the value of the pension scheme as at 31 December 1982 is reduced by an amount corresponding to the difference between the disbursement and the increase in the account after 1 January 1983, see section 10(5) of PAL.

The same method is applied in connection with partial termination, if any, of a pension scheme.

Field 303 

Tax base

The sum of the taxable part of the tax base of the individual account types must be stated, determined as follows

  • field 301 minus field 302

The field is calculated automatically in E-tax (TastSelv).

Field 378 

Negative tax as at 31 December in the income year to be carried forward

The unused negative tax determined as at 31 December in the income year which can be carried forward for deduction from the positive tax in subsequent income years  pursuant to PAL must be stated.



Index-linked accounts under section 15 of PBL

 Field 401

Tax base prior to reduction under section 10(1) of PAL

The total tax base must be stated. This is calculated by adding up each individual client's separately determined tax base. Please note that only pension savings accounts with a positive tax base in the income year are included in field 401.

Pension savings accounts in respect of which foreign tax has been carried forward under section 20(3) of PAL are also deemed to be accounts with a positive tax base. These accounts are therefore also included in the determination of the amounts in field 401.

The tax base includes all types of asset returns. 

 Field 402

Reduction under section 10(1) of PAL

The total reduction amount must be stated, corresponding to the sum of the separately determined reduction amounts under section 10(1) of PAL for each individual client's savings scheme under section 1 of PAL. However, the reduction amount must be stated only for pension savings accounts with a positive tax base in the income year in field 102. This does not, however, apply to pension schemes in respect of which foreign tax has been carried forward for offsetting under section 20(3) of PAL.  

When calculating the reduction under section 10(1) of PAL, the individual client's pension savings accounts of a given nature with the bank are considered as a whole, provided, however, that the pension savings accounts in question have been established pursuant to the Danish Pension Tax Act (Pensionsbeskatningsloven) PBL)).

The reduction amount is calculated - for each individual client's scheme of a given type - by multiplying the tax base pursuant to PAL by the balance at the end of 1982, see., however, the provision set out in section 10(5) of PAL, and by dividing this result by the balance in the income year.

If the value of the pension scheme at the end of the income year - due to partial disbursement (running disbursements) - is lower than the value of the pension scheme as at 31 December 1982, and if the partial disbursement exceeds the increase in the account after 1 January 1983, the value of the pension scheme as at 31 December 1982 is reduced by an amount corresponding to the difference between the disbursement and the increase in the account after 1 January 1983, see section 10(5) of PAL.

The same method is applied in connection with partial termination, if any, of a pension scheme. 

 Field 403

Tax base

The sum of the taxable part of the tax base of the individual account types must be stated, determined as follows

  • field 401 minus field 402

The field is calculated automatically in E-tax (TastSelv).

Determination of the tax liability for the year

Field 801

Tax liability for the year in respect of capital pension accounts under sections 12 or 13 of PBL as well as pension accounts under section 42 of PBL

Tax for the year as determined in field 103 multiplied by 15.3 per cent less deductions for negative tax from previous years as well as relief from previous years must be stated.

Field 811

Tax liability for the year in respect of annuity pension accounts under sections 11 A, 15 A and 15 B of PBL as well as accounts under the Special Pension Savings Scheme (Den Særlige Pensionsopsparing (SP)) (SP accounts), see section 1(2)(ii) and (vi) of PAL

Tax for the year as determined in field 203 multiplied by 15.3 per cent less deductions for negative tax from previous years as well as relief from previous years must be stated.

Field 821

Tax liability for the year in respect of personal pension accounts under section 51 of PBL and similar tax-privileged personal pension accounts established before 2 June 1998

Tax for the year as determined in field 303 multiplied by 15.3 per cent less deductions for negative tax from previous years as well as relief from previous years must be stated.

Field 831

Tax liability for the year in respect of index-linked accounts under section 15 of PBL

Tax for the year as determined in field 403 multiplied by 15.3 per cent must be stated.

Field 890

Total tax liability

The total tax liability payable under section 22 of PAL in the income year determined as the sum of fields 801, 811, 821 and 831 must be stated.

The field is calculated automatically in E-tax (TastSelv).

Field 900

Interest under section 22 of PAL from 8 January until 15 January

Interest under section 22 of PAL is calculated on the basis of the interest rate under section 27(5) of PAL, which is shown on the entry screen, as follows:

The amount in field 890 * interest rate *7 interest days/360 interest days.

Upon stating the date of payment, interest days and interest amounts are calculated automatically in E-tax (TastSelv) by means of the calculation button.

Field 901

Final tax

The final tax is calculated based on the amount in field 890 - plus the calculated interest in field 900. The amount is calculated automatically in E-tax (TastSelv).