Guide to form 07.082 EN - Total statement of banks, credit institutions and capital pension funds under section 22 of PAL

This guide is aimed at banks, credit institutions and capital pension funds determining taxable returns in accordance with the rules set out in section s 3 and 5 of the Danish Act on Taxation of Pension Returns (Pensionsafkastbeskatningsloven (PAL)) for the taxable pension schemes mentioned in section 1 of PAL.

Banks, credit institutions and capital pension funds state the final tax base, the taxable part thereof as well as the final tax for each of the savings forms mentioned in section 22 of PAL via E-tax (SKAT's self-service facility - TastSelv) or on form no. 07.082 EN.

Form no. 07.082 EN comprises all pension savings accounts liable to PAL taxation which are effective at the end of the income year.

The tax liability under section 1(1) of PAL rests with holders of the following types of pension savings accounts:

  • Pension savings accounts under sections 12 and 13 of the Danish Pension Tax Act (Pensionsbeskatningsloven (PBL)) as well as pension accounts under section 42 of PBL, see section 1(1) and (2) of PAL
  • Instalment savings accounts under sections 11 A, 15 A and 15 B of PBL, see section  11 A of PBL
  • Personal pension accounts under section 51 of PBL and similar tax-privileged personal pension accounts established before 2 June 1998
  • Index-linked accounts under section 15 of PBL, the determination under section 22 of PAL must comprise the asset returns etc. which can be attributed to the period from 1 December up to and including 31 December in the income year, see sections 11 and 36 of PAL.

Further information about the rules of PAL is available in the legal guide Den juridiske vejledning, afsnit CG. You can download the guide by going to SKAT's homepage, and clicking on Jura, tal og statistik (Law, figures, statistics) in the top menu. The guide is available in Danish only.

Please note that the determination under section 22 of PAL constitutes the sum of the tax base, tax etc. of the savings forms mentioned. The individual pension savings account must be determined correspondingly.

The sum amounts may only be rounded off to whole Danish kroner (DKK) when the form is being completed, and no prefixes may be stated in amount fields where prefixes are already printed.

References to acts on the form and in this guide concern:

  • Danish Act on Taxation of Pension Returns (PAL), see Consolidation Act no. 170 of 22 February 2011, as amended.
  • Danish Pension Tax Act (PBL), see Consolidation Act no. 1246 of 15 October 2010, as amended.
  • Danish Executive Order no. 1634 of 21 December 2010 on certain rules in the Danish Act on Taxation of Pension Returns.

The form must be submitted to:

Regnskab 3
Helgeshøj Allé 49-55
2630 Taastrup

The calculated tax must be transferred via IBAN code: DK1402164069064507


The form and the tax payment must reach SKAT by 22 January the year after the income year at the latest, see however section 26 of PAL

If the deadline is exceeded under section 22 of PAL, i.e. 22 January the year after the income year, default interest will be calculated under section 28 of PAL from this date and until payment is made. The interest under section 28 of PAL corresponds to the interest fixed in section 7(1), see section 7(2), of the Danish Tax Collection Act (Opkrævningsloven), Consolidation Act. no. 289 of 28 April 2003 on the collection of taxes and duties etc., as amended.

Auditor's statement
The bank's, credit institution's and capital fund's auditor must submit a signed statement indicating that the final statement under section 22 of PAL has been audited in accordance with the rules set out in Part 10 of Danish Executive Order no. 1634 of 21 December 2010. The statement must be prepared in accordance with Danish Executive Order no. 668 of 26 June 2008 of the Danish Business Authority (Danish Executive Order on Statements Made by State-Authorised and Registered Public Accountants - Erklæringsbekendtgørelsen). Reservations and/or supplementary information must appear from the auditor's statement. Any periodical statements may be endorsed by the internal auditor, if any. The auditor's statement must be submitted to SKAT by 1 May the year after the income year at the latest, see section 28 of the Order.

Questions concerning the completion of the form, the determination of the tax base, including the calculation of the final tax on returns from pension scheme assets, should be directed to:

Tel. +45 7222 1818