Both the pension provider and the customer can apply to the Danish Tax Agency for approval of a pension plan:

If the pension provider is registered, and the scheme has been type approved by The Danish Tax Agency
In this case, the customer must complete the form Citizen's declaration (Borgererklæring) (form number 07.056), which the pension provider submits.

If the pension provider is registered with the Danish Tax Agency, but the type of scheme has not been approved
In this case, the customer must complete and submit the form Pension holder - Application for approval of foreign pension plan (Pensionstager - Ansøgning om at få godkendt en udenlandsk pensionsordning) (form number 07.054).

If the pension provider is not registered with the Danish Tax Agency
In this case, the pension provider must complete the form Pension provider - Application for approval of foreign pension plan (Pensionsinstitut - Ansøgning om at få godkendt en udenlandsk pensionsordning) (form number 07.055). The customer must complete the form Pension holder - Application for approval of foreign pension plan (Pensionstager - Ansøgning om at få godkendt en udenlandsk pensionsordning) (form number 07.054).

Application forms together with a copy of the pension agreement should be sent to:

The Danish Tax Agency
Nykøbingvej 76
Bygning 45
4990 Sakskøbing

Please note: the copy of the pension agreement must be in Danish, another Scandinavian language or English. The pension provider must arrange for an authorised translation of the agreement. If the scheme is approved by the Danish Tax Agency, the pension provider receives a certificate of approval (07.054).