
►ATP is not liable to PAL taxation on the part of the yield covered by Section 6 of PAL which is attributable to pension provisions plus a proportionate share of the bonus potential in relation to pension agreements ◄

  • which were effective at the end of 1982 and
  • which are effective at the end of year of taxation.

►For each pension agreement, the part not liable to PAL taxation cannot exceed ◄

  • the premium reserve determined at the end of 1982 plus allocated bonus which has not been transferred to the premium reserve
  • and a proportionate share of non-allocated amounts contained in the bonus fund at this time.  

►The basis of taxation under Section 6 of PAL is reduced by a percentage corresponding to the ratio between the provisions mentioned above and the liabilities according to the financial statements.   ◄

►The provisions and liabilities mentioned are determined at the end of each year of taxation collectively for each group of members of a particular year.   ◄

►A breakdown is only made according to gender as well as private pension and surviving dependent pension. ◄


► ◄

The provisions in ATP are not distributed on the individual members but instead on members of particular years.